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Pinner charity hosts Bollywood party to help find a cure for brain tumors

Pinner charity hosts Bollywood party to help find a cure for brain tumors

A special Bollywood night featuring Indian food and entertainment has raised money for a Pinner-based charity to help find a cure for brain tumours.

Held at the Langley Suite in Watford, supporters of the William Low Trust attended the event last weekend on Saturday 26e November. Attendees enjoyed a wide variety of Indian dishes with entertainment provided by DJ Enviouz and We Strictly Entertain. Additionally, guests were treated to performances by British Bollywood champion dancers from Sapnay, a Bollywood dance school based in Harrow.

The Bollywood-themed event raised around £1,200 for The William Low Trusta charity member of Brain Tumor Research.

Helen Forbes-Low, mum of William Low, said: “We had a lot of fun learning to wear a saree, listening to Bollywood music and learning a few dance moves – although mine need a lot of practice. practice ! And the support given and the food prepared by the Langleys was first class.

“Attending a Bollywood-themed event seemed appropriate as William particularly enjoyed Indian food – his favorite was prawn korma with naan bread. We always try to do events that relate to it in some way.

Pinner Charity Hosts Bollywood Night to Help Find a Cure for Brain Tumors Harrow Online
Sapnay Bollywood dancers at The Low William Low Trust event

“I want to thank everyone involved, but especially our good friends in the community and the professionals who guided and advised us to organize this event, as well as all our lovely supporters who came to have fun and raise funds, without forget The William Low Trust committee who did so much to put on such a great evening.”

The William Low Trust was set up by William’s family and some of their friends and is funding a PhD researcher at the charity Brain Tumor Research Center of Excellence in Queen Mary University of London.

William died six weeks before his 18e birthday in August 2017 of an aggressive medulloblastoma brain tumor – the most common high-grade brain tumor in children. He was only five years old when he was first diagnosed after complaining of head, neck and leg pain that made him sick and tired.

William underwent surgery and a grueling treatment of radiotherapy and chemotherapy which ultimately stabilized him. However, when he was 13, a scan revealed the brain tumor had returned and William underwent further surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and a stem cell transplant.

Three years later, when new tumors were discovered in William’s spinal cord, treatment options were very limited, but his family thoroughly investigated every possible drug trial available in a desperate attempt to find something. appropriate thing. Unfortunately, nothing was right and William died tragically.

Pinner Charity Hosts Bollywood Night to Help Find a Cure for Brain Tumors Harrow Online
Guillaume Low

Brain tumors kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer, yet historically only 1% of national cancer research spending has been allocated to this devastating disease.

Helen added: “We launched The William Low Trust to help end the devastating impact of brain tumors on patients and their families. We hope William’s legacy will help bring forward the day when all people diagnosed with a brain tumor will survive, which is why funding research for improved treatments and ultimately a cure is vital.

Sue Farrington Smith MBE, Managing Director of Brain Tumor Research, said: ‘William’s story reminds us that brain tumors are blind and can affect anyone at any age. Only 12% of patients survive beyond five years against an average of 50% for all cancers.

“We are truly grateful to the William Low Trust for their invaluable support for the work carried out at our Center of Excellence at Queen Mary University of London to advance brain tumor research and improve outcomes for patients who are forced to fight against this terrible disease. .”

To donate to the William Low Trust, go to




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