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5 Bigg Boss Contestants Who Came To Bollywood After The Show’s Popularity

5 Bigg Boss Contestants Who Came To Bollywood After The Show’s Popularity


Many Bigg Boss contestants have become household names after their time on the reality show.

Bigg Boss is one of the most popular shows on Indian television. The show, through its 16 seasons, has given us many household names. Many contestants have succeeded despite not winning the hit reality show trophy. Many of them who made it to the show ended up gaining immense popularity. Some have also had the opportunity to work in Bollywood projects through the platform. Here are five contestants who landed big deals in Bollywood after their stint on Bigg Boss.

Shehnaaz Gill

shehnaaz bollywood

Punjabi actor and singer Shehnaaz Gill is now a national star. A contestant on Bigg Boss 13, Gill managed to win hearts with her cute antics on the reality show. Her constant banter with fellow contestant Sidharth Shukla was the biggest highlight of the show.

After the show, Shehnaaz Gill got several music video projects with Sidharth Shukla. Gill will soon make his Bollywood debut with Salman Khan star “Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan”. Besides her first film, she has two more films in the works, including multi-star 100 Percent and untitled director Rhea Kapoor.

Nora Fathi

nora fathi big boss

Nora Fatehi hasn’t looked back after appearing on the reality show. She entered the Bigg Boss house as a generic candidate and was kicked out after about two months. However, she had a strong impact during the passage, leaving the audience asking for more. Later, she participated in Jhalak Dikhla Ja.

Nora Fatehi’s career chart has seen a sudden boost after these reality shows. She has signed several dance numbers for major banner movies like Bahubali, Stree, Batla House, Thank God, Marjaavan, among others. She has also undertaken acting projects in films like Bharat, Bhuj: The Pride Of India.

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sunny leon

sunny leone big boss

Sunny Leone moved to movies after appearing on Bigg Boss. In fact, she bagged a project while she was on the show. Director Mahesh Bhatt offered her film Jism 2 which marked her Hindi debut. She then acted in films like One Night Stand, Ragini MMS 2, Ek Paheli Leela, Beimaan Love among others.

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Hina Khan

hina khan bb

Although Hina Khan didn’t win the Bigg Boss trophy, she won hearts with her time on the reality show. She was affectionately referred to as “Sherni of Bigg Boss” by her fans during the show. After the show, Hina Khan was offered several projects including TV series like Kasauti Zindagi Kay 2 and Naagin 5. Hina Khan signed movies and web shows like Lines, Unlock, Hacked among others. Khan also made his Cannes debut following his appearance on Bigg Boss.

Sidharth Shukla

sidharth shukla bb

The late actor Sidharth Shukla not only won the Bigg Boss trophy but also became one of the most talked about contestants. He became a household name after the show, and his camaraderie with fellow contestant Shehnaaz Gill was well-received by viewers. After the show, he bagged several projects, including Broken But Beautiful 3, which was successful on OTT.

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