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Every Actor Rumored to Replace John Krasinski as Reed Richards

Every Actor Rumored to Replace John Krasinski as Reed Richards


Many names have been tossed around in the MCU rumors The Fantastic Fourincluding these eight actors who could play Reed Richards, aka Mr. Fantastic.

As Marvel Studios prepares its The Fantastic Four restart under Wanda Vision director Matt Shakman, Marvel’s First Family roles are perhaps some of the most important in Hollywood right now. After all, fans have been debating for years who should play these heroes in the MCU.

Reed Richards was a particularly hot topic after John Krasinski – arguably the most popular fan cast – debuted as Mr. Fantastic as a variant on Earth-838 in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. But alas, that seems to have been done with an ongoing search for a new actor.

With the reboot film slated for February 2025, the Fantastic Four cast appears to be moving ahead before production begins later this year or early 2024. So here are all the actors rumored to play Mr. Fantastic ahead of the announcement – which the most expect to receive this year.

Penn Badgley

Penn Badgley, you

Penn Badgley – the actor behind Netflix You – has been rumored for the MCU’s Mr. Fantastic for a while now, partly because of various reports, and also because he looks a lot like Reed Richards’ classic comic book design.

After delivering a monumental performance over the three seasons of You, Badgley will no doubt do the same once Season 4 arrives in February. This could help bolster his chances of landing the MCU lead as he once again becomes a hot topic as Marvel Studios launches the Fantastic Four.

Adam Driver

Adam Driver, Marriage Story
Marriage story

Star Wars’ Adam Driver came out of left field several months ago as a supposed suitor for Reed Richards in the MCU. Since then, The Direct’s own sources have revealed that Driver was actually Marvel Studios’ first choice for the role.

The Star Wars actor has shown plenty of talent over the years, even earning two Oscar nominations at just 39 years old.

But he also has the benefit of having an established working relationship with Disney thanks to his role as Kylo Ren in the Star Wars sequel trilogy.

Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling, La La Land
La La Land

Fans have been hearing for a while that Marvel Studios is interested in onboarding Ryan Gosling, especially for Love at first sight‘ Sentinel. But it was recently claimed by insider Jeff Sneider that Gosling might actually be wanted for an unknown role in the MCU. The Fantastic Four.

Gosling and his massive brand might be just what Marvel Studios needs to bring back the Fantastic Four after two shaky Fox iterations. Whether Reed Richards is a role he would be suited to or even interested in committing to long-term is a much tougher question.

Diego Luna

Diego Luna, Andor, Star Wars

Andor Actor Diego Luna was recently named by an insider as a star contender to play Reed Richards. Luna responded to these rumours, calling her “unbelievable” the number of claims it gets stuck in.

Although Luna, as a Mexican actor, may not be a traditional choice for Reed Richards, his nominated performance in Star Wars will no doubt have brought him to the forefront of Disney’s mind for others. big roles to come.

But as Luna recently revealed, it will be “busy” for the next couple of years and isn’t even sure he wants to act beyond that, he might not be the one to bet on for this particular role.

John David Washington

John David Washington, Amsterdam

Even though Principle flew further under the radar than it should have due to its pandemic exit, John David Washington emerged as a star. As is the case with all big faces in Hollywood, fans were quick to cast him in various superheroes, including Mr. Fantastic.

Giant monster robot claimed two years ago that Washington was in fact in talks for Mr. Fantastic, though that’s probably untrue since Marvel Studios seems to barely be launching Marvel’s First Family now. That being said, perhaps Washington could find its name in the mix.

Dev Patel

Dev Patel, The Green Knight
The green knight

Another rumor published by Giant Freakin’ Robot, this one just a month ago, claimed that Dev Patel could be in talks for the lead role in The Fantastic Four. As an Indian-born British actor, Patel would certainly be a major departure from the traditional comic book route, but that doesn’t mean he’d be a bad choice.

Having found fame and acclaim at a young age after starring in Slumdog Millionaire, Patel has yet to land the big Hollywood role he deserves. As this film continues to be discussed to this day, Patel’s stardom and talent might be just what The Fantastic Four it must be set aside.

Henry Cavill

Henry Cavill, The man from UNCLE
The man from UNCLE

To the disappointment of many, Henry Cavill recently found his schedule much more open after losing the role of Superman just months after getting it back. With his time in DC and on the witcher now winding down, maybe he’ll finally be free to join the MCU as fans have long hoped.

After a rumor claimed that Cavill was in talks for a role at Marvel Studios, a video of him showing off his nerdy side in custom building a PC has gone viral. Some fans took this as his home audition for Reed Richards, trying to prove he can pull off the lab rat’s super genius side despite his muscular looks.

Glenn Howerton

Glenn Howerton, it's always sunny
Philadelphia is always sunny

The weather is always goodby Glenn Howerton found himself at the heart of The Fantastic Four rumors, with hilarious depictions even showing the sitcom’s entire cast as Marvel’s First Family. Howerton even has the advantage of The Fantastic Four director Matt Shakman having been involved in The weather is always good.

Responding to the rumors in an interview with The Movie Dweeb, Howerton said he would be “very funny” to work with Matt Shakman again, calling him a “close friend,” and adding that he was going “accept this phone call.

Unfortunately, as he is already 46, Howerton is probably too old to be considered to play Reed Richards. Let’s rewind ten years, the The weather is always good The star may have been a perfect fit, but since Marvel Studios likely wants this actor around for at least a decade, he may have aged from the role.

When will the cast of the MCU’s Fantastic Four be announced?

Provided that Marvel Studios can avoid any further delays, The Fantastic Four is currently set to release and launch Phase 6 in February 2025. Based on the MCU’s usual production schedules, this should place the start of filming late this year or early 2024.

With casting underway, chances are the official The Fantastic Four the castings might just appear in a report from one of Hollywood’s major trade publications. But given the excitement surrounding these roles, Marvel Studios may want to tape them to announce them at a major event in front of an audience.

While Disney’s D23 Expo takes place every two years, with the next scheduled for 2024, the only major opportunity this year will come with San Diego Comic-Con. Provided the cast can be locked down and signed in time for July, now may be the likeliest time for fans to hear that casting finally announced.

The Fantastic Four hits theaters on February 14, 2025.




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