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Could The Little Mermaid’s Journey return to Disney’s Hollywood Studios in a new way?

Could The Little Mermaid’s Journey return to Disney’s Hollywood Studios in a new way?


Does Walt Disney World plan to bring Journey of the Little Mermaid, a popular live performance at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, back?

Formerly Disney Dining reported on the show’s permanent closure, referencing evidence such as the show’s removal from Disney Resort entertainment listings and the sale of puppets used in the performance, including the 12-foot-tall Ursula. Indeed, it seemed that this Little Mermaid’s journey was well and truly over.

Disney's Little Mermaid Journey

Credit: Disney

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However, according to some reports, Walt Disney World previously confirmed that the show would return this year as part of its 50th anniversary celebration. Additionally, Disney Parks Live Entertainment recently announced a casting call for cast of characters resembling Halle Bailey’s Ariel in the upcoming live-action version of the classic film.

Presumably, this means Disney intends to introduce Ariel’s new design, which features subtle costume changes, as well as giving Ariel red-colored locs, a protective hairstyle worn by Bailey herself. Of course, this also likely means that for the first time, black performers will be able to embody the Disney Princess within the Walt Disney World Resort.

The little Mermaid

Credit: Disney

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Sure, it looks like Disney is planning to invest in the 2023 film, directed by Rob Marshall and featuring new soundtrack additions from composers Alan Menken and Lin-Manual-Miranda, for the long haul. In fact, because the songwriting duo have announced plans to write additional songs for the film, which will apparently adapt some of the script’s personalities and characters like Prince Eric, it would be easy for Disney to bring this semi-novel plot to the stage.

the original Journey of the Little Mermaid opened in 1992 in the Animation Courtyard Theater at Disney Park. Lasting 14 minutes, the show was set in an underwater cave and featured live actors performing popular songs from Disney’s The little Mermaid (1989) as “Under The Sea”, “Part of Your World” and “Poor Unfortunate Souls”. Additionally, guests were treated to a pre-show centered around in-universe artifacts like King Triton’s famous trident, and where Disney could display real props from the live-action film, which would help bring update the previous structure while attracting guests who are fans of the new film. Plus, it would fit perfectly with the Hollywood studios theme!

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Credit: Michael Greiner

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Moreover, Frozen! Living at Hyperion in Disney California Adventure at the Disneyland Resort used blind casting, something that could work here to provide some of both worlds. While some fans may be hesitant to change the original show in the 2023 film script, a plot that follows the original cartoon could still be used, with blind casting allowing fans of all ages and ethnicities to see themselves represented.

That way, Disney could invest in a more inclusive cast and bring Bailey’s portrayal of Ariel to the parks in a way that would make everyone live…happily ever after.




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