The legendary actor Louis Gossett Jr has two similar sons named Satie and Sharron in his father’s life
Oscar-winning actor Louis Gossett is the father of two sons. During interviews, he also sprang from his family, take a look at his journey towards fatherhood.
Veteran actor, Louis Gossett is known for his role in “Roots” and his Oscar performance as “Best Supporting Actor” in “An Officer and a Gentleman”.
His many talents include act, write and produce. Off camera, he is just as famous for his activism, mentorship and philanthropy.
Mandela Square in South Africa. # Mandela100 #Nelson Mandela pic.twitter.com/6ml8GizdWy
– Louis Gossett Jr. (@LouisGossettJr) December 13, 2018
In 2012, he joined some influential figures to support former President Barack Obama as part of the Presidenthood Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative.
At the event, Louis highlighted the importance of promoting faith and community initiatives that help celebrate fathers who actively participate in the lives of their children. he called the “unsung heroes” of their communities.
In the words of one of my favorite businessmen “I have to say it was a good day today” @ice Cube @HBStudioCafe pic.twitter.com/EyZ9aXeIzj
– Louis Gossett Jr. (@LouisGossettJr) August 8, 2019
Louis himself is the proud father of two sons. The actor has been married three times. In 1974, he welcomed his first son Satie, a year before divorcing his second wife, Christina Mangosing.
When they married Cyndi James Gossett from “Days of Our Lives”, the couple adopted a son named Sharron Anthony.
A BIG thank you to GWL Ice Cream Shack in Greenwood Lake, New York for some of the BEST ice cream east of the Mississippi! https://t.co/I0rUZPfqIR pic.twitter.com/e2aP6j95CM
– Louis Gossett Jr. (@LouisGossettJr) May 18, 2018
Louis shared with the Chicago Tribune that he had seen Sharron when he was nine on a report filed for “ABC” at a shelter in St Louis. It was broadcast on “Good Morning America”, with a focus on the homeless and hungry in the country.
Louis recalled that the journalist had asked Sharron what his only wish would be, respondedthat he wanted “something to eat and a place to stay.”
![Louis Gossett Jr. and sons Sharron Anthony Gossett and Satie Gossett arrive on the red carpet at the Cable Ace Awards | Source: Ron Galella Collection / Ron Galella via Getty Images Louis Gossett Jr. and sons Sharron Anthony Gossett and Satie Gossett arrive on the red carpet at the Cable Ace Awards | Source: Ron Galella Collection / Ron Galella via Getty Images](https://i0.wp.com/cdn.amomama.com/ac0593bd8c27d6f754dcd65e479f5b74.jpg?w=740&ssl=1)
Louis Gossett Jr. and sons Sharron Anthony Gossett and Satie Gossett arrive on the red carpet at the Cable Ace Awards | Source: Ron Galella Collection / Ron Galella via Getty Images
Sharron’s words drew the heart of Louis, who reached out to “ABC” to help him find the boy and then adopted him. As Louis pondered his decision, he said:
“ I had an Oscar and I had an Emmy. I had all the outward signs of success. My heart is fuller now that I have this young boy. Now I have my family. ”
In an interview with BET, he sprang from the joy he felt as a father, Louis said, “Being a dad is paradise.” He said it was a unique experience that meant a lot to him.
The actor added that the benefits of having children were being able to continue generations in his family. Highlighted the importance of the family and paid tribute to the responsible fathers who looked after their families during the celebration of Father’s Day in 2014.
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