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Behind the viral cliché of snow-capped mountains and the Hollywood sign

Behind the viral cliché of snow-capped mountains and the Hollywood sign


An iconic Los Angeles landmark, the Hollywood Sign has been photographed countless times since the original iteration was erected 100 years ago this year, from a cameo appearance in Superman to around 300 billion Instagram snaps. Even if an image is familiar, it still has the ability to capture our attention when photographed by the right person, at the exceptional moment.

For proof, see photographer Pete Halvorsen, a well-known fine art, travel and commercial photographer in Manhattan Beach. Halvorsen used excellent positioning and the lens compression technique to depict the ocean, the sign, and a huge band of snow-capped mountains behind him. The shot was magnificent a holy grail, as Halvorsen calls it. Given the historically snowy winter and the recent influx of rain and snowpack, Halvorsen saw an opportunity to capture the realities of this cold, stormy winter in a single shot.

It definitely captured a moment, Halvorsen tells InsideHook. What I’ve always found with Instagram is that being able to share a unique moment with a lot of people is really quite different than if you were to post a Google photo. You could Google snow on a mountain in Los Angeles, and it would look amazing. But the feeling of Hey, this is Pete, this is a real person in LA who just took this photo of something that’s going on right now and shared it, it’s a different feeling.

Reposted by LA Visitor Centers @DiscoverLA count, the shot racked up over 26,000 likes at the time of writing, and an exceptional number of saves, reshares and reposts on Stories (I saw it at least 40 times in my own feed that day). Halvorsen’s own post reached over 5,500 likes, and he had over two million impressions on the backend between the two posts. The shop where he offers prints of his work was so inundated with orders for the image that he had to suspend sales.

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I had to shut down my store a bit, just to honor people who had already placed orders and fulfill them, he laughs. I’ve done over 200 draws on it which is pretty wild for me. I normally do very neat and unique art stuff for interior designers. I am not a volume seller of fine art prints; I usually take my time with them. But that ended up being where I created more volume opportunities. The company’s offices in Los Angeles wanted to put the photo in their office because it’s not just a great photo, it’s a talking point about what it was like to see the mountains like this in 2023.

Getting the shot wasn’t too difficult for Halvorsen, who has spent years exploring great locations to photograph Los Angeles. (Far from hiding his filming location, Halvorsen tagged it on his post: Shipwreck Hiking Trail at Ranchos Palos Verdes.) Knowing that there was a clock showing how long the snow would stay on the mountains, he proceeded to capture all three items at once.

I just wanted to have the ocean with the Hollywood sign, with the snow, he said. It was my Holy Grail, putting them together. These places are not necessarily secret places to take photos, but I did not hesitate to take many photos during these three days, because it was special.

Originally from California, Halvorsen has toured the state for most of his life. Originally moving to Los Angeles like so many others to become an actor, he got into photography as a stay-at-home dad looking for a hobby, it was something to do on the go . He now tours around the world at the request of his clients and is working on his first book project, Shore pressurea sort of visual love letter to the Manhattan Beach Pier.

Despite his success away from home, he’s happy to stay rooted in California.

There is something so special about the way our light is here, he says. This golden light in the Golden State, without getting too poetic, is something special. I’ve been around the world, many different places with great sunsets, great sunrises, beautiful light at different times of the day, but there’s nowhere for me that’s ever matched our light, especially along the coast. There’s something magical about that last hour of the day, the way that light descends to the west.

Follow Halvorsen on Instagram here, and learn more and buy sound prints website.




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