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Why Everyone Online Calls These Hollywood Men “Babygirls”

Why Everyone Online Calls These Hollywood Men “Babygirls”



Online, the character of Estate Kendall Roy has been described as several things: depressed, desperate for attention, cringe.

But to her diehard fans, Kendall played by Jeremy Strong is just a little girl.

In Internet language, this descriptor is not pejorative. The term has been repurposed by fans online to label their favorite men (fictional or real).

Babygirl, often written as a single word, has gained popularity as a descriptor not for little girls, but for male actors and male characters. In recent months, babygirl has become a catch-all term that applies to a range of men: some have used the word to describe a man they perceive as vulnerable and submissive, while others use it to describe brooding, brooding men.

Because “the exact metric of what makes a man a babygirl [are] apparently still cowardly,” according to Know Your Meme meme databasea succinct definition of the word as used on social media does not exist.

The term was applied to the actor Peter Pascalas well as Joel, the character he plays on the HBO show The Last of Us. It has also been used to describe the actor’s vulnerability Paul Mescal and the oddity of the actor Willem Dafoe. These are just a few of the many men who have been considered “babygirl”.

the girls are like hes so babygirl and hes the darkest, broodest, melancholy, tortured man you have ever seen, a person tweeted.

Babygirl has been used in its current context since at least 2021, but its popularity has only grown, according to Know Your Meme editor Phillip Hamilton.

In 2023, babygirl exploded onto social media, often linked to the airing of popular television episodes, and entered mainstream internet vocabulary. Some experts also note that babygirl marks an interesting step in Internet linguistics, in which a female term is applied to a male figure in a way that is neither pejorative nor derogatory.

Sylvia Sierra, assistant professor of communication and rhetorical studies at Syracuse University, said sexism and misogyny are at the root of why heteronormative men often balk at being called a feminine term. Babygirl could be different.

Typically, there is a negative valence attached to these terms for women. … With babygirl, you don’t see that. Heis actually used in a positive way, like you’re highlighting favorable qualities in a man, said Sierra, who holds a doctorate in linguistics from Georgetown University.

Social media is accelerating the spread and, in some cases, the acceptance of gender-defying words and terms, Sierra said. But, she says, it’s not impossible for a phrase like babygirl to take off in real life.

It is unknown who coined babygirl as a term for men; Know Your Memes first documented case of expression aimed at men can be found in a 2017 post on Wattpad, a free platform where people write stories. From there, the term grew on sites like Tumblr and was mostly used in fandoms to describe male characters.

Hamilton has suggested that there is humor in the incongruity between the term and the men to whom babygirl is applied. He added that many men called babygirl would look offended if they found out they were being called the term online.

It’s like the opposite of what a typical type of manly man might want to be called, isn’t it? he said. But online this kind of works.

For Leila Loiza, 23, a Twitter user who tweeted both Kendall Roy and actor Charlie Day of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia as a babygirl, the change in language to be more inclusive and fluid is exciting.

It’s a shift to terms that are used for more female audiences and are now open to more male audiences, Loiza said. So it’s a new step in gender-neutral terms.

Loiza said she started using the term earlier this year, although she remembered actor Shemar Moores, the catchphrase for the little girl on the show Criminal Minds, where he played Derek Morgan, was also popular on social media.

Twitter user Din MRini, 25, described Pascal as the original baby girl. But she noted that the King’s current babygirl is Kendall Roy.

MRini said seeing the language evolve online to put a more positive spin on feminine words being applied to men is beautiful. She said she was also eager to find out if and when babygirl would transition from social media term to real-life compliment.

I can’t wait to see like the day I’m in the gym or something, and like a gym bro next to me says, Oh, that’s so babygirl.




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