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French actress Eva Green wins $1.6 million in court battle over ‘B-movie’

French actress Eva Green wins .6 million in court battle over ‘B-movie’


I found myself distorted, quoted out of context, and my desire to make the best movie possible made to look like female hysteria, Eva Green said of the media coverage.

Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images

I found myself distorted, quoted out of context, and my desire to make the best movie possible made to look like female hysteria, Eva Green said of the media coverage.

Eva Green was awarded US$1 million (NZ$1.6 million) by a British court on Friday in a sensational dispute over the collapse of a film project she feared would become a B-movie that could ruin his career.

The movie in question was a sci-fi thriller, but the case played out in court like a melodrama. The producers of A Patriot portrayed the French actor as a diva. She had called one of the executive producers a sneaky sociopath and pure vomit and called the production manager a moron.

A High Court judge cut through the vitriol he said threatened to complicate the case and ruled it relatively straightforward, awarding Green the fee he had been promised for the production which ended in 2019.

Green, 42, who played Vesper Lynd in the 2006 version of the James Bond thriller Casino Royale, said his professional reputation was upheld after standing up to a small group of wealthy men who used bully tactics to use him as a scapegoat. for their own failures.

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Her lengthy statement, however, revealed her fragility in the face of criticism and the hurt she felt over what she claimed was a false statement to the press, which was more painful than I can say.

There are few things the media enjoys more than tearing a woman to pieces,” Green said. I felt like I was being attacked by dogs; I found myself distorted, quoted out of context and my desire to make the best film possible was made to look like female hysteria. It was cruel and it was wrong.

Judge Michael Green dismissed a countersuit brought by England-based film production company White Lantern Film which said the actor made excessive creative and financial demands and torpedoed the production.

The judge said Green had neither waived nor breached his obligations and was entitled to his costs of £810,000 ($1.6 million NZ).

White Lantern Film said Green’s allegation of gender-based bullying was completely unfounded.

Eva Green has sued to be paid $1 million for a film that was not directed and for which she provided no acting services,” he said in a statement with fellow litigator SMC Specialty Finance Firms said they are carefully considering our options as to potential next steps, including appeal.

The judge found that Green had neither waived nor breached his obligations and was entitled to his 810,000 (NZ$1.6 million) in fees.

Marc Piasecki

The judge found that Green had neither waived nor breached his obligations and was entitled to his 810,000 (NZ$1.6 million) in fees.

Green said she fell in love with the script for A Patriot and its environmental message, but became increasingly concerned as corners were cut and production moved from Ireland to Ireland. England.

When an actor has appeared in a B movie, they are labeled as a B actor, you are never offered quality work again, she testified.

During the trial, the court heard that Green used an expletive to describe potential crew members as peasants. She had called executive producer Jake Seal a devious sociopathic villain and a lunatic, and called production manager Terry Bird a moron.

She downplayed her biting words as her candor, which the judge dismissed as inadequate and not credible.

While Judge Green ruled in favor of Eva Green, he gave both sides poor reviews in his 71-page decision.

For such a perfectionist in her craft, she was surprisingly underprepared for her testimony, he wrote, calling the actor in some ways a frustrating and unsatisfying witness.

Judge said the nasty things Green said about Seal were motivated by a genuine fear that the film wouldn’t do the script justice, and he didn’t disagree with her review at all.

I have to say that after hearing him testify, I can see how it could be possible to instantly hate him,” Judge wrote.

He was sometimes condescending, sarcastic and disparaging. I found he had an innate aggressiveness and I can understand why Ms. Green and others might have been unhappy to learn that they had to make the film under his total control.




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