It was ‘tough’ during Courteney Cox’s friends fame – The Hollywood Reporter
David Arquette opens up about his relationship with ex-wife Courteney Cox and the struggles they faced amid his fame on Friends.
During a recent appearance on SiriusXM Andy Cohen livewhen the host asked if he had ever felt “inferior” or “less than” the Friends alum due to the massive success of the NBC show, the never been kissed the actor replied, “Yes, absolutely.”
“It’s tough, I mean in terms of gender, I have some of the traditional male stuff where I want to love and provide and pick up the check and, you know, be the breadwinner,” he explained. . “In the theater world, in general, you’re always on this roller coaster of popularity and you can’t get a job. So it’s like this weird thing. And then when you compare yourself to someone who is at the top of the iconic world of television, it’s a little hard to get into it.
After the two met when they worked together as co-stars in 1996 Shout, they married a few years later in 1999, at the height of Friends‘ hit. They also share a daughter, Coco, whom they welcomed in 2004. It wasn’t until 2012 that they filed for divorce, and a year later when their split was finalized.
Arquette added that at the beginning of their relationship, they had to do a lot of “learning” to be able to overcome “pain and similar arguments, or, you know, ego”.
More specifically, the Mrs Davis The actor said going through tough times as a couple “has to do with the way you take things, the way you say things, the way you react to things, the way you are, you know, allowing other, somehow, outside influences to affect how you feel about yourself.
For him personally, Arquette added that working on his confidence and himself, in general, helped a lot. He said, “to work through some of the pain and trauma I’ve felt so that I can open up and own what makes me happy, what my needs are, where my limits are.”
Although he feels that he and the Cougar City the actress “had a really good thing at the end,” looking back at how they handled it all, he now said, “I just encourage people to really try to get through it.”
Arquette is currently married to Christina McLarty, with whom he shares two children. Cox is dating singer Johnny McDaid.
Sources 2/ https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/david-arquette-relationship-courteney-cox-difficult-friends-fame-1235406104/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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