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Claire Redfield actress knows she continues to be shipped with Leon Kennedy

Claire Redfield actress knows she continues to be shipped with Leon Kennedy


Resident Evil may be a survival horror series about undead and mutated monsters, but that hasn’t stopped its fans from shipping their favorite characters together. This of course includes Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield, the stars of Resident Evil 2, affectionately nicknamed “Cleon”. And of course, actress Claire, Stephanie Panisello of Resi2 Remake, Infinite Darkness and Death Island knows all about your love for both.

“I don’t want to break any hearts, but I think people can believe in this lovely couple of Leon and Claire,” Penisello told TheGamer. “However, I personally think that when Leon decides to find his worth, he will stop chasing after women who don’t want him.

RELATED: Stephanie Panisello on Re-Creating Resident Evil’s Claire for Modern Audiences

“Not a bad mouth on Leon though, he totally kicks but when it comes to the ladies it’s debatable. I will say I gave a special little moment in Infinite Darkness where Claire lands on Leon It was a personal moment We did it just for everyone’s enjoyment, just to keep that hope alive.

Resident Evil 2 Claire and Leon standing back to back

Cleon is such a popular couple with fans that there are an entire Wiki page dedicated to each piece of evidence of the most romantic relationship of the two. It starts with the 1998 original Resident Evil 2 before Panisello took on the role, noting that they’re “happy to meet in the RPD” and “looked at each other a moment later. [Claire] got on the train.” Maybe they’re just good friends.

This continues with Darkside Chronicles, specifically Memories of a Lost City (Resi2’s story). He mentions that “Leon appeased Claire to still have survivors in town” and that “their eyes meet in sadness” when the two realize Annette is dying. Things really took off when Resi2 Remake launched in 2019, bringing Cleon to a whole new generation of fans.

Similar touches are noted, such as the two smiling at each other or asking if the other is okay. It’s a remake, so a lot of things will be the same, but it gave Cleon new life. Where things heat up is Infinite Darkness. The page notes that “Leon pulls Claire towards him, with Claire landing on top of him”, and that “Leon thought Claire wanted to go to dinner”. The first was Panisello’s idea, but it’s more like Leon reading too much into something that isn’t there. Sorry Cleon fans.

Either way, you’ll find plenty of fanfiction and artwork depicting the two as more than friends, but we’re unlikely to see that flourish in games, movies, or shows. Claire is too busy saving the world and Leon is too busy pining for women who clearly don’t feel the same way.

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