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‘Perfectionist but never interfering’: Lagaan, Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar Actor Aditya Lakhia recalls working with Aamir Khan

‘Perfectionist but never interfering’: Lagaan, Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar Actor Aditya Lakhia recalls working with Aamir Khan


Aamir Khan may be known by many names, but “the perfectionist” is a label stuck on him for years. Having started his acting career with Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak, the actor has only grown by leaps and bounds with each film. He has hits like Rangeela, Sarfarosh, Rang De Basanti, Ghulam, Taare Zameen Par and Dangal among others to his credit. While his latest films like Dhoom 3, Thugs of Hindostan and Laal Singh Chadha may not have gone to plan, his fan base continues to grow.

As Aamir completes 35 years in film, spoke with Aditya Lakhia, his co-actor from Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar and Lagaan. Lakhia had even been an assistant director on Akele Hum Akele Tum, which starred Aamir in the lead role. Aditya Lakhia played one of Sanju’s (Khan) closest friends with Deven Bhojani and Ayesha Jhulka in JJWS.

Congratulating his friend for this great achievement, Aditya Lakhia recalled how he first met Aamir Khan at Mansoor Khan’s office. Fresh off the success of QSQT, the actor got heavily involved in the filmmaking process. “He was a new star but he was very warm and friendly. After I was finalized, we shot the movie in Kodaikanal, Ooty and Mumbai. The whole city was here in Mumbai and I remember traveling on the set with him and Deven Bhojani. We were assigned an Ambassador car at the time, and we used to chat the whole way through. He was a very laid back co-star. Plus, we were pretty young at the time and since we were playing school children, I guess we all lived our childhood on this film.

As for Lagaan, Aditya shared that he knew director Ashutosh Gowariker, who called him for an audition. Aamir, however, was also closely associated with the filmmaking process. Calling him an extremely involved co-star, he shared how Amir helped him understand Kachra’s mannerisms and bowling style. The untouchable, polio-stricken character has now become an identity for him, as he is still known everywhere as Kachra. In the film, Aamir’s Bhuvan fights for Kachra’s rights and brings him into the cricket team to fight against the British. He scores a hat-trick and stays strong with Bhuvan towards the end of the match when the latter finally scores the winning run.

Speaking about the Lagaan, Aditya Lakhia shared, “This movie was a party where we had so much fun. Not many people know that the game was a real game for us. We really played the game. Kachra had a very specific style when it came to bowling and even hitting. Aamir really helped me with that. He’s a generous co-actor, and since I’ve known him for a long time, I was quite comfortable with him. But I also have to add that even with so much success, he continues to be a very cool person without any celebrity aura.

Between the two films, Aditya Lakhia also assisted Mansoor Khan in Akele Hum Akele Tum. Asked about his view of Aamir as AD, the actor laughed that he remained the same. He also dismissed that the Bollywood star is ‘interfering’ and ‘ghost directing’ his projects. “He’s an extremely intelligent man and understands filmmaking. He always has suggestions to share, and since they’re so good, people follow them. But he never interfered or hijacked the work of others. As for being a perfectionist I think is a great quality, he loves movies and has a really good idea of ​​how things should be shaped.

Aditya shared that their friendship evolved over the years but remained just as strong. He also shared that they stayed in touch and thanked Aamir for keeping Lagaan’s team still tied. He revealed that almost every year the cast and crew get together to relive their memories and Aamir actively tries to call everyone. Aditya added that although they have both grown since the time they filmed for Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar, he still has the same equation with Aamir Khan.

When asked to share some unknown facets about him, he smiled to say, “He’s very smart and lively. Moreover, he is a very good sportsman. He excels at table tennis and even cricket. I remember during Lagaan we used to play competitive cricket every Sunday. Aamir is also a very nice man. I remember when we were filming in Ooty for JJWS he noticed a hungry pup around. He immediately takes him under his wing and takes care of him. We named it Peanuts and it was a darling on set. After filming, Aamir even took him to Mumbai and he lived until the end at his house. He’s the man you need.




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