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Look how the Bollywood Saas has changed!

Look how the Bollywood Saas has changed!



Homi Adajania is jumping on the OTT bandwagon with web series, Saas Bahu Aur Flamingo.

It stars Adajania regular Dimple Kapadia as a badass matriarch who runs a drug cartel under the guise of an herbal and textile business, along with her two daughters-in-law.

Over the years, Bollywood saas bahu imagery has undergone quite a few transformations.

As we wait for the dark Dimple and her cheeky sideboard spit fire on the small screen, Love Verma watch cruel and cool hindi movie manners saasu-maa from then to now.

Lalita Pawar, Sau Din Saas Ke


PICTURE: Nilu Phule and Lalita Pawar in Sau Din Saas Ke.

The pinnacle of freak syndrome, Lalita Pawar’s sheer ingenuity to torture her Poor damn enjoys an eternal place in the hall of shame.

But slyly throwing a living lizard into kheer is another level of villain.

Lalita Pawar, Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi


PICTURE: Anupama and Lalita Pawar in Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi.

Treasure-keeper dragons could learn a thing or two about controlling the grand old lady of saas bahu dramas.

Lalita Pawar keeps her stepdaughter on a leash, 24 hours a day, even while sleeping by grabbing the malaria tightly in sleep lest she slip away for a bit of panky with the hubby.

Aruna Irani, Beta


PICTURE: Aruna Irani and Madhuri Dixit in Beta.

Performing such extreme actions won’t work on Madhuri Dixit’s fiery brand damnintriguing step-Saasu Aruna Irani concocts horoscope nonsense about how her son’s life is in danger if the newlyweds consummate their marriage.

Bindu, Biwi Ho Toh Aisi


IMAGE: Rekha and Bindu in Biwi Ho Toh Aisi.

Nobody makes his disgust for the damn as apparent Bindu.

In Biwi Ho Toh Aisiher biggest bone of contention against Rekha is that she is an uneducated and disadvantaged village belle and wants to get rid of her willy-nilly.

If the relentless scolding isn’t enough, she even tries to push her into a river just to get a dose of her own medicine.

Bindu, Ghar Ho Toh Aissa


IMAGE: Rita Bhaduri, Bindu and Deepti Naval in Ghar Ho Toh Aissa.

Burning your fingers is no longer an idiom when you’re a doormat stepdaughter like Deepti Naval and constantly attacked by her stepmother in Ghar Ho Toh Aissabrand of 80s social drama.

Kamlesh Gill Vicky Donor


PICTURE: Kamlesh Gill and Dolly Ahluwalia in Vicky Donor.

Things certainly started to look up when an elderly person saas bahu duo of Kamlesh Gill and Dolly Ahluwalia clinked their whiskey glasses and exchanged some bittersweet resentments on a fun note.

Kirron Kher, never say goodbye


PICTURE: Kirron Kher and Preity Zinta in never say goodbye.

In a landmark decision by desi moms, Kirron Kher chooses aggrieved damn From Preity Zinta’s side on her unfaithful son Shah Rukh Khan in Karan Johar’s brilliant take on NRI adultery.

Tanvi Azmi, Thapad


PICTURE: Taapsee Pannu and Tanvi Azmi in Thapad.

She doesn’t move with her damn but Tanvi Azmi has the grace to admit that she made a mistake in not realizing her daughter-in-law’s hurt and humiliation at the hands of her son, reiterating that broken ties don’t have to get in the way of sincere relationships.

Neetu Kapoor, JugJugg Jeeyo


PICTURE: Kiara Advani and Neetu Kapoor in JugJugg Jeeyo.

The filmmakers are so busy demonizing the stepmom that it’s rare to see one that will show someone having a heart-to-heart with her. damn.

Neetu Kapoor proves it by candidly sharing the truth about his disappointing marriage to Kiara Advani before recommending to fix his own meltdown. marriage to his son one last time.

Surekha Sikri, Badhaai Ho


PICTURE: Neena Gupta and Surekha Sikri in Badhaai Ho.

Never underestimate the support of old curmudgeons saas mumbling innocently in a corner.

The way Surekha Sikri rushes at her loved ones when they kill his pregnant middle-aged wife damn Neena Gupta recounts Bollywood’s long, long road saas came.





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