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Beloved Star Wars Icon Carrie Fisher Honored with a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Beloved Star Wars Icon Carrie Fisher Honored with a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame




The late Carrie Fisher, who played Princess Leia in the original star wars trilogy, was honored on May 4, 2023, with the 2,754th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Billie Lourd, Fisher’s daughter, was on hand for the event Thursday morning near the El Capitan Theater on the corner of Hollywood and Highland.

During the ceremony, Lourd said her mother tried to get her to watch star wars for years, but it wasn’t until boys her age confessed their undying love for Princess Leie that she ‘went home to investigate the person they were talking about. I finally watched the movie that I had always considered too strong and finally understood what it was all about with the lady on TV. I wanted to hate it so I could tell her how lame she was. Like any child, I didn’t want my mother to be hot or cold. It was my mother. But that day, looking at the screen, I realized that no one is or will ever be as hot or as cool as Princess Leia.

She continued,

People of all ages from all over the world were dressed as my mother, the lady who sang me to sleep at night and held me when I was scared. Seeing the amount of joy it brought to people when she hugged them or threw glitter at them was amazing to see. People lined up for hours just to meet her. People had tattoos of her, people named their children after her. People had stories of how she saved their lives. It was a side of my mother that I had never seen before, and it was magical. I realized then that Leia is more than just a character. She is a feeling. She is strength. She is grace. She is intelligent. She is femininity at its best. She knows what she wants and she gets it. She doesn’t need anyone to rescue her as she saves herself and even saves the rescuers. And no one could have played it like my mother.

Billie Heavy

Hollywood Chamber of Commerce vice president of media relations Ana Martinez said the Fishers star was only feet away from star warsco-star Mark Hamill (who was in attendance) and opposite star mother Debbie Reynolds.


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