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Jaskier was almost played by another actor


Jaskier was the unexpected star of Netflix’s The Witcher, but the charming bard was almost played by another actor. Here is what happened.

The witcherThe unexpected star was none other than Jaskier, played by Joey Batey, but the role almost went to another actor. Based on the series of books of the same name by Andrzej Sapkowski, The witcher debuted on Netflix in December 2019, and since it was one of the most anticipated platforms of the year, it was an instant hit, and it could be Netflix’s biggest first TV season. The streaming giant knew what he had The witcher, and decided to renew it for a second season before the release of the first.

The witcher took an unconventional approach to the stories of Sapkowskis, choosing to focus on three characters whose stories took place at different places and times, although their paths converged at the end of the season. The protagonists are therefore Geralt de Rivia (Henry Cavill), an improved monster hunter; Yennefer of Vengerberg (Anya Chalotra), a very powerful witch; and Ciri (Freya Allan), the crown princess of Cintra who is discovering her powers. Although they led season 1 of The witcher, there is another character who ended up being more popular than them, because he conquered the public with his charm (and his catchy songs): Jaskier.

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Related: The Witcher: Why Netflix Changed Jaskier’s Name For Books

Played by Joey Batey, Jaskier is an itinerant bard who befriends Geralt and accompanies him on a few missions, to the dismay of Geralts. Although at this point Geralt would not exactly qualify as a friend of Jaskier, the truth is that they formed a strong bond, and Jaskier helped publicize his work through his songs, notably Toss A Coin To Your Witcher. Although Geralt was the main character in the series, the launch was not as difficult as the casting of Jaskier, who according to The witchercasting director Sophie Holland, was the worst character to launch in the whole series like finding someone who could be charming, funny, sexy and more was not easy.

Holland went on to explain that they had met actors close to what they were looking for Jaskier but that they were not quite there. Just when the casting team was about to give up and settle for the second best option, they made a final effort for the actors and Agent Bateys suggested the young actor. Batey only had 24 hours to prepare, and he went the extra mile to make sure he got the part. Holland shared that Batey memorized two scenes, borrowed a lute, learned a song and arrived at the audition dressed up as a bard. After that Holland and his company had no doubt that they had finally found their Jaskier.

Holland added that Batey had everything necessary to play Jaskier: he is funny, he can sing (and play the lute), he is charming, and he has range, able to make the audience laugh but also to make his eyes. Of course, Holland didn’t reveal the names of the other actors who nearly played Jaskier, but she did share what she was proud of Joey Batey and his performance as Jaskier. Now it’s only a matter of time to see if Jaskier will return The witcher season 2 and what catchy songs he will share this time with the world.

Next: The Witcher: The Biggest Changes Season 1 Makes from The Books

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