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Another voice actor from the movie Super Mario Bros. auditioned for Mario

Another voice actor from the movie Super Mario Bros.  auditioned for Mario
Another voice actor from the movie Super Mario Bros.  auditioned for Mario


The movie Super Mario Bros.makes for an interesting star-studded cast after Illumination Entertainment, Universal Pictures and Nintendo first announced that acclaimed celebrity Chris Pratt had been cast as the video game’s beloved plumber.

While Pratt enjoyed household name status thanks to prominent roles in theguardians of the galaxy And jurassic worldfranchises, some viewers were curious how his live-action charisma would translate to Nintendo’s mustachioed mascot known for his blue overalls, red cap and, most importantly, his heavy Italian accent. Yes, he has already proven himself to be more than capable of tackling animation work in The Lego Movie, but could he handle the pressure of playing one of the most well-known characters ever created? (Yes, luckily it turned out).

RELATED: No Chocolate Here: Chris Pratt Learns The Hard Way You Can’t Really Eat ‘Mario’ Gold Coins

Actor/comedian Sebastian Maniscalco briefly broached the subject during his guest appearance on LIVE with Kelly and Mark to promote his new comedy film: About my father (currently playing in theaters). When asked by co-host Mark Consuelos how he didn’t get the lead role, Maniscalco revealed that he actually auditioned for Mario by mimicking the iconic work done by Charles Martinet in the games.

“Everyone was like, Oh, how come they didn’t cast an Italian-American for the part?” So I read for Mario,” the comedian, born to Italian immigrant parents, said. “I went there and did the whole thing, ‘ITS-A ME! MARIO!’ And then they said, we’re gonna give you Spike. Apparently, [my Mario audition] didn’t work.”

Although he only landed a small supporting role as Mario and Luigi’s former employer, Maniscalco has no regrets. “It was awesome to be a part of this movie,” he added. “Things a Juggernaut and Chris have done a great job in the [role].”

Check out his comments in the clip below:

Since opening in theaters last month, The movie Super Mario Bros.earned nearly $1.3 billion at the worldwide box office. It is currently the highest-grossing video game adaptation in history. On the side of the general animation of the spectrum, mario holds the rank of third highest-grossing animated feature film in history after Frozen II ($1.453 billion) and Frozen ($1.284 billion).

Besides Pratt and Maniscalco, the impressive cast also includes the talents of Charlie Day (Luigi), Jack Black (Bowser), Anya Taylor-Joy (Princess Peach), Keegan-Micael Key (Toad), Seth Rogen (Donkey Kong), Fred Armisen (Cranky Kong) and Kevin Michael Richardson (Kamek) and Martinet (he voices a pair of supporting characters, including the Mario family patriarch).

The movie Super Mario Bros. East now playing in theaters and available for rental and/or purchase on digital platforms. We’re still waiting for details to become available on the film’s physical release, as well as its Peacock debut.

Want more enlightened goodness in your life?Despicable MeAndDespicable Me 2are now streamingon Peacock.




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