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Queen Charlotte actor Corey Mylchreest moves in with co-star

Queen Charlotte actor Corey Mylchreest moves in with co-star


Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story Star Corey Mylchreest has revealed he has moved in with co-star Freddie Dennis.

The couple’s characters, King George III and Reynolds respectively, are close on-screen with their monarch-secretary relationship, and Mylchreest revealed the pair are closer off-screen.

In an interview with PopBuzz alongside India Amarteifio, Mylchreest was asked who he would trust on the show to be his royal adviser, revealing he had moved in with his co-star.

corey mylchreest

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I would probably go, Sam [Clemmett]I mean Sam would be a valuable ally, maybe [India]. Maybe my advisor on the show, Freddie Dennis, who I live with now, not having known him before. Who are we kidding is Freddie, he said.

Dennis has previously opened up about his role as Reynolds, exclusively revealing to digital spy that a blunder made it the final cut of the show.

We were so nervous at a particular take that one or maybe both of us messed up the dance and then went into a hysterical fit, he said. It’s actually in the last episode. It made the cut. So watching that moment just brought joy to what that scene is and what it meant to us.

corey mylchreest, freddie dennis, queen charlotte a bridgerton story


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The prequel series, which serves as a coming-of-age story for characters from Netflix’s main show, received positive reviews upon its release earlier this year, with series creator Shonda Rhimes teasing the prospect of a second season.

There have been questions, but I don’t have conversations about it yet, she said. I could live with Charlotte and George forever, but we told a very specific, closed story that I think is a complete story of this complicated, flawed love. But I don’t rule anything out because I never know.

Bridgerton seasons 1-2 are now streaming on Netflix, along with Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story.

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George Lewis is a freelance journalist at Digital Spy.




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