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YG Thinks It’s ‘F-cked Up’ 2Pac Is Becoming A Hollywood Star

YG Thinks It’s ‘F-cked Up’ 2Pac Is Becoming A Hollywood Star


YG just found out that it took 2Pac a quarter of a century to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and the Compton native isn’t happy with the long wait.

Taking to Twitter on Friday (June 2), rapper Toxic seemed absolutely shocked that the Hip Hop legend didn’t receive his flowers from the most famous boulevard in the pop culture zeitgeist.

It took them 25+ years to give Tupac a star on Hollywood Blvd? Yall fucked it all the way, he tweeted. As of this writing, the tweet has been viewed over 200,000 times and received nearly 1,000 retweets and nearly 4,000 likes.

Also weighing in, Boosie Badazz had a lot to say about the perceived disrespect, assuring people that the Hit Em Up rapper was throwing his middle finger up from the Great Beyond.

TUPAC IS NOT ON THE HOLLYWOOD WALK OF FAME? WTF DISRESPECT!! Don’t worry he says FUCK YALL from the grave!! he tweeted.

Check out the two rappers’ tweets below:

On May 31, it was announced that 2Pac would finally receive his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on June 7. The Pacs star will be 2,758th on the famous promenade. The star will be introduced by West Coast radio legend Big Boy and Pacs sister Sekyiwa Set Shakur.

Californian love took a long time to come for Pac, who was shot in Las Vegas within hours of a fight against Mike Tyson on September 7, 1996 and died at a local hospital six days later.

The polarizing rap star was loved for more than his multi-platinum albums, as he was a decorated actor with roles in films such as Jus, poetic justice, above the edge And traffic jam throughout the 90s.

Being the son of a Black Panther, 2Pac was also a revolutionary and took social activism seriously throughout his 25 years on earth.

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Even more than 25 years after his passing, Shakurs’ legacy is still honored. In addition to the Hollywood star, a street will be named after him in Oakland, where his career began as a member of Digital Underground.

A portion of MacArthur Boulevard between Grand Avenue and Van Buren Avenue will henceforth be known as Tupac Shakur Way. The decision to rename part of the street was brought forward by council member Carroll Fife.

Tupac Shakurs’ legacy will continue through his contributions to art and social awareness, through his family and fans, touching countless lives of children and elders over the years of his lifetime and after his death, taken too young by gun violence, read the resolution for the street name change.

The famous Dear Mom docuseries, which examines the life of 2Pacs through the story of his mother Afenis, is available now on Hulu. Chance The Rapper praised Dear Mom and crowned the five-part documentary as possibly the best documentary he had ever seen.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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