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‘You just have to ask!’ event at the Botanical Garden of Piedmont brings inclusion outdoors

‘You just have to ask!’  event at the Botanical Garden of Piedmont brings inclusion outdoors


An event scheduled for Saturday at the Botanical Garden of Piedmont promises to be one for the books.

Bennetts Village and the Piedmont Botanical Garden are teaming up to bring the fun of discovering great reads and meeting new friends outdoors, basing the event on Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You… by Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor and artist Rafael Lopez. From 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, visitors of all ages can stop at the entrance to the Botanical Garden for a variety of children’s book-related activities that will be accessible to people of all mobility levels.

It’s definitely central to the Piedmont Botanical Garden’s mission, executive director Jill Trischman-Marks told the Daily Progress, adding that it’s the kind of event that aligns with the community feedback the garden receives. One of the things the community was clear about was that it needed to be a place where all kinds of people could be comfortable.

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You just have to ask! will allow many members of the community to visit the Garden for the first time.

One of the things the pandemic has taught us is the healing power of nature, Trischman-Marks said, adding that the garden is free from sunrise to sunset every day of the year.

Although much of the garden is still being created and planted, the site already offers a variety of programs for children to inspire new generations of garden enthusiasts.

That says a lot about the hard work our volunteers have put into developing this site, said Trischman-Marks.

A Book Trails program gave children the opportunity to explore the woods and discover poster-size pictures from books. Other activities allow children to work on outdoor art projects with local artists. A stream water testing program helps spark the interest in science that surrounds visitors to the garden.

A garden is a combination of art and science, Trischman-Marks said.

Both organizations want to get the message across that there is room for everyone to enjoy nature and fellowship, and the book offers an entry point. In Just Ask! Sotomayor introduces young readers to children from different backgrounds and challenges who come together to build a community garden and learn from each other by asking questions and appreciating each other’s differences.

Bennetts Village is a collaborative grassroots project that aims to build an accessible 3-acre space in Pen Park where everyone can play. It is named after 5-year-old Bennett McClurken-Gibney, a child with spinal muscular atrophy who loved to play but had to travel to Richmond with his family to find an accessible playground.

The playground, designed by landscape architects Mahan-Rykiel, is being built in five phases, the first of which will create an accessible tree house and a path accessible to all, even those with disabilities, through the woods behind the playground already in place at Pen Parc. Learn more about

Parking will be available for visitors with reduced mobility. Parallel parking will also be available on Melbourne Road. To reserve a parking spot, email [email protected].

Free entry. The rainy date is June 10. For more details, go to




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