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Star Ron Perlman Seems to Threaten Hollywood Execs in Writers’ Battle: We Know Where He Lives’

Star Ron Perlman Seems to Threaten Hollywood Execs in Writers’ Battle: We Know Where He Lives’
Star Ron Perlman Seems to Threaten Hollywood Execs in Writers’ Battle: We Know Where He Lives’


In a heated rant posted to social media on Friday, ‘Hellboy’ actor Ron Perlman warned a Hollywood studio executive to ‘be careful’ after he claimed his studio planned to let the current Hollywood writers’ strike continue. until union members began to “lose their homes”.

The 73-year-old actor warned the executive to beware of losing his own home for messing with the families and livelihoods of union members and said he and others knew where the union executive lived studio.

Perlman later deleted the threatening rant and posted a follow-up video, which still criticized the executive but urged everyone involved in the current SAG-AFTRA and WGA strike to keep their “humanity”.


Ron Perlman actor

Hollywood actor Ron Perlman launched a ‘fiery’ rant against a Hollywood studio executive who recently claimed that those taking part in the current Hollywood writers’ strike could end up ‘losing their homes’ given the length of their protest against the industry. (Stephane Cardinale – Corbis/Corbis)

Perlmans’ harsh statements came in response to a studio exec telling Deadline earlier in the week that major Hollywood studios have no plans to bow to pressure from the Writers Guild of America strike, that SAG-AFTRA is coming to join for the first time in sixty years.

The executive told the Hollywood outlet: ‘The end game is to let things drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their homes.’

Another studio executive also told Deadline that major studios like Paramount, Netflix, Disney and Warner Brothers Discovery are planning to “break the WGA,” which they say should start happening by the fall.

The former’s statement infuriated Perlman, who posted his response on Instagram, saying, “‘The only thing before I go is the mother—–who said we were going to carry on until what people are starting to lose their homes and apartments. Listen to me, mother—–! There are many ways to lose your home. Part is financial, part is karma, and part is simply to find out who the f— said this.”

Perlman continued, noting that the executive might be the one to lose his home and suggesting that he or other disgruntled Hollywood residents might pay the executive a visit. He added, “And we know who said that and where they live. There are plenty of ways to lose your home.”


Fran Drescher on the picket line

SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher speaks to members of the media while joining members of SAG-AFTRA and the WGA as they picket outside Netflix Studios on July 14, 2023 in Los Angeles, in California. Members of SAG-AFTRA, Hollywood’s largest labor union representing actors and other media professionals, joined striking WGA (Writers Guild of America) workers in the first joint strike against the studios since 1960. The strike could completely shut down Hollywood productions with writers in the third month of their strike against Hollywood studios. (Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images) (Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images)

He then warned the executive to ‘be careful’, saying his statement was one to ‘stir shit up’.

“You want people, you want families to starve while you’re making 27 f—— million dollars a year for creating nothing,” he said, adding, “Be careful , mother —–. Be really careful because this is the kind of shit that stirs shit. Calm down.

Perlman may have found his own video too dark, as he deleted it shortly after it was posted.

He replaced it with another Instagram clip where he admitted he “got pretty heated” in the previous one and assured viewers he wasn’t going to hurt any industry executives.

In it, he said: “As you can imagine, my reaction to someone wishing this kind of harm on people in the same industry they call theirs would engender a response to them. So let me say something very clear now. I wish no harm on anyone.”

Perlman went on to say, “I hope the —— who made this comment doesn’t wish anyone harm, but when you start going around and saying ‘we’re not even going to negotiate. with these f– —- d——– until they start to f—— bleed and their families start to bleed.”


He paused but then resumed, saying the Hollywood strike is “a symptom of the soullessness of corporate America and how everything has become corporatized.”

He ended the video, asking people on both sides of the strike to “maintain a degree of humanity” and fight for “dignity”.




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