Post Malone debuts SECOND skull tattoo, reveals he’s recording ‘best album I’ve ever made’
Post Malone debuts SECOND skull tattoo, reveals he’s recording ‘best album I’ve ever made’
Six-time Grammy nominee Post Malone has launched a new collection of tattoos on the left side of his shaved head, including a spider, skull and succubus via Facebook on Sunday.
It has only been a month since the 25-year-old singer-rapper unveiled a massive skull permanently marked on the right side of his head above all of his other inks.
“ I’m an ugly mom, ” Post said GQ March 2 defending his face tatts.

Covered! Six-time Grammy nominee Post Malone on Sunday launched a new collection of tattoos on the left side of his shaved head featuring a spider, skull and succubus via Facebook.

‘This may have come from a place of insecurity’: It has only been a month since the 25-year-old singer-rapper unveiled a massive skull permanently marked on the right side of his noggin above of all his other inks (photo from June 24)
‘Maybe it’s coming from an insecure place where I don’t like how I look, so I’m going to put something cool on it so I can look at myself and say, “You look cool, kid, “and have a little self-confidence when it comes to my looks.
Despite Malone (born Austin Richard Post) insecurities, he still faces his second collaboration with Arnette, which landed in Sunglass Hut stores on Monday.
The New York-born Texan rocker also recently donned an elegant suit to model for his French Riviera Ros with Maison 9 Wine’s b & w campaign.
It’s a good thing Post has easy access to wine, with strict alcohol laws based on the Mormons where he lives in Utah.

Brand Ambassador: Despite Malone (born Austin Richard Post) insecurities, he’s still facing his second collaboration with Arnette, which landed in Sunglass Hut stores on Monday.

Frontman: Postalso recently donned an elegant suit to model the b & w campaign of his French Riviera Ros with Maison 9 Wine
“ We’re just hammered everyday and doing some funny bullshit. I just drink at home, and if I need a keg I go to Wyoming and bring it back, ” said Malone WSJ. Magazine Tuesday.
‘But don’t tell anyone [laughs]. It’s just interesting here. But it gets better every day because [the Utah government] realizes the world is so crazy.
The Black Lives Matter activist is recording his fourth studio album, which he hopes “will uplift and show that people are not alone in their time of loneliness and worry.”
“I think everyone in America gets a little crazy sitting at home all day. So I got a little crazy and wanted to take more steps outside of my comfort range and make music that I think – for me – is one of the best I’ve done, ” Post explained. .

‘We’re doing amazing stuff’: New York-born, Utah-based rocker records fourth studio album, which he hopes’ will uplift and show people aren’t alone in their lonely time and worry ” (photo May 26)

Impressive: On April 24, Post raised more than $ 7 million for the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund by performing a Nirvana tribute concert broadcast live from his Salt Lake City home
“ At the end of the day, we all just need to show love to everyone on the planet and figure things out. So we’re working pretty hard, and I think we’re doing amazing stuff.
April 24, Malone Student over $ 7 million for the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund to benefit WHO by giving a Nirvana tribute concert broadcast live from his Salt Lake City home.
The livestream impressed Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl, bassist Krist Novoselic and grand frontman Kurt Cobain’s widow Courtney Love, who styled Post in a house flower dress.
The famous ‘culture vulture’ – who has 60.9 million social media followers – was originally inspired to learn guitar after playing the 2005 Guitar Hero video game.
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