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Architect Paul R. Williams changed Hollywood


To borrow a line from the jargon of the cinema on which Los Angeles thrives, making L.A. is an epic affair. Since the city's growth in the 1880s, modern LA has had its fair share of plot points since the Roaring Twenties and the rise of Hollywood, through the Great Depression, until World War II. and the post-war housing crisis of 1946 that followed. At that time, the city's architectural scene was defined by people like Albert Martin, Welton Becket and William Pereira, but an architect whose lesser-known career traces the history of modern LA is the subject of A compelling new documentary: Paul R. Williams.

It really grows with the city, says Christopher Hawthorne, city design director and former Los Angeles Times architecture critic. Hawthorne participated in telling the story of Williamss in a recent PBS documentary, titled Hollywood Architect: The Story of Paul R. Williams, Which one is available to broadcast now. A prolific architect with a career spanning more than five decades and comprising more than 3,000 buildings in southern California, Paul R. Williams was the first certified African American architect on the west coast and the first African American admitted to the AIA.

Paul Williams, second from left, with a model of Golden State Building.

Image courtesy of the special collections of UCLA libraries.

Nicknamed architect of the stars, he had a privileged relationship with the silver screen. It has really made popular and accessible a certain idea of ​​Hollywood glamor through residential architecture, says Hawthorne. In a way, the careers of Hollywood and Williamss developed hand in hand. Synonymous with leisure and luxury, Hollywood has become a cultural icon with its own set of rules and Williams has become one of the most sought after architects in an industry captivated by fantasy and opulence.

After making his Hollywood debut in designing a neo-Italian mansion for silent movie star Lon Chaney, Williams then designed a reel of lavish residences for Hollywood stars, including Lucille Ball, Cary Grant and Tyrone Power. In 1956, he gained national visibility with his conception of Frank Sinatras' sensational mid-century modern residence in Beverly Hills (which was unfortunately demolished in 2006). He worked with many clients who used to re-imagine the world everyday in their work, says Hawthorne. His homes were very charismatic representations of this set of ideas, and it really shaped understanding of the worlds of Hollywood and Los Angeles for much of the 20th century.

A master of styles, including English Tudor, Italian, Spanish colonial revival and the modernist, Williams has been criticized for not adopting the style of the day. Over the years, and in the context of modernist case studies such as the Pierre Koenigs Stahl House or the Rudolph M. Schindlers Schindler House, his versatile heritage has taken a back seat. But in a way, his wide stylistic range made him a truly typical Angeleno architect, says Hawthorne.

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