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High-tech entertainment systems could be "more dangerous than drinking and driving"


The writer, actor and producer Kumail Nanjiani is perhaps best known for his lead role in the series Silicon Valley. But recently, he's moved to a new star power level: a Marvel Cinematic Universe superhero.

Kumail Nanjiani
Kumail Nanjiani | Gary Gershoff / Getty Images

And he takes his responsibility very seriously. Here's what he said recently about the importance of taking precautions during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) and what it means to him, personally.

Kumail Nanjiani to star in "The Eternals" as Kingo

Nanjiani has proven to be an actor in The eternals during the Marvel panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2019. He plays alongside Richard Madden, Gemma Chan, Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek and many others as titular immortals.

The film will be released on November 6, 2020 and the shooting will be finished in February 2020. A few months ago, Nanjiani revealed his incredible physical transformation to the shock of many on the Internet.

He shared his thoughts on social distance during the coronavirus pandemic

Since packaging, Nanjiani has been busy promoting the Apple TV + series it produced, Little america. He was then ready to start his new film Lover, with Issa Rae, to the south by the southwest, but which, with its subsequent premier, were canceled. Nanjiani fully supports these preventive measures.

After many tweets about the coronavirus threat, he apparently received reactions from his supporters. His answer? See the tweet above from March 15, in which he says: My favorite person in the world is immunocompromised. Go ahead and don't follow me. I'm going to tweet about it until I have no subscribers. "

Nanjiani's wife Emily V. Gordon

Who is Nanjiani talking about? He is probably referring to his wife, Emily V. Gordon. Gordon is also a writer and producer. But she may be best known for her role in Nanjiani's film The Big Sick, which she co-wrote with him.

The film is based on the true story of their encounter. Shortly after Nanjiani and Gordon started seeing each other, she was placed in a coma of medical origin. She was then diagnosed with a rare systemic auto-inflammatory disease known as Early Still's Disease in adults.

What does it mean to be immunocompromised?

(integrated) (/ integrated)

For those who don't know, what is immunocompromised? According to Dr. Steve Pergam of the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, this refers to people who have "certain diseases or conditions that weaken the immune system". The best known of these are the types of cancer as well as HIV and AIDS, but there are many others.

Immunocompromised or immunocompromised people are similar to those with other types of pre-existing conditions and to the elderly, which means they are less able to fight viruses. They are therefore the most exposed to this pandemic.

Will "The Eternals" be delayed?

The Marvel slate could be affected by a coronavirus. Many productions have already closed. The eternals has finished filming, but there may be scheduled re-runs. And that doesn't take into account post-production either, which could also be suspended.

As of March 16, 2020, it is unknown when the theaters will reopen. November is far away. But whatever happens, it's clear that Nanjiani will put the health of his wife – and everyone – before the film's success.

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