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Jon Stewart's Highly Anticipated Daily Show Return Begins Monday: Time, TV Channel, How to Stream

Jon Stewart's Highly Anticipated Daily Show Return Begins Monday: Time, TV Channel, How to Stream
Jon Stewart's Highly Anticipated Daily Show Return Begins Monday: Time, TV Channel, How to Stream


When the news broke recently that Jon Stewart would return to The daily show, It sparked a wave of widespread discussion, among fans excited to see Stewart back in the comedy news anchor chair, and media pundits who wondered how Stewart would fare in a media landscape that has changed dramatically since his departure from the Daily Show in 2015.

(Jon Stewart returns to host The Daily Show Monday nights, 11 p.m. Monday, February 12, on Comedy Central. No cable? You can stream The Daily Show; Fubo, which also offers a free trial; Hulu; and the next day .)

When Stewart retired from The Daily Show, it was after much discussion about his impact, including the idea that many people – young people in particular – gleaned most of their information about current events not from the television news or newspapers, but with Stewart.

During his 16-year tenure, Stewart and Daily Show writers regularly took satirical aim at politics and politicians, and also issued media critiques, often aimed at Fox News Channel.

The idea that Stewart was instrumental in shaping opinion has gone so far that some have speculated that part of the reason Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential race was due to fact that Stewart wasn't there on the Daily Show to focus his attention on the candidate.

Since leaving The Daily Show, Stewart has done other things, including directing, serving as executive producer of The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, advocating for veterans and first responders, and hosting the Apple TV+ series, The Problem With Jon Stewart, which focused on politics and other issues.

The Problem With Jon Stewart was canceled after two seasons, and the New York Times reported that Stewart and people at Apple disagreed over whether Stewart discussed certain topics, including China.

As Variety reportsStewart said on CBS Mornings that he wanted a platform to share his thoughts on the current election season, but that Apple TV+ felt they didn't want me to say things that could get me in trouble.

So Stewart will be back, at least Monday night, on The Daily Show during the 2024 election season. The rest of the week will feature correspondents from the show, who are part of the replacement host arrangement that the show has been using since previous host Trevor Noah left the Daily Show at the end of 2022.

Stewart, who will also serve as executive producer of The Daily Show, returns to a media climate filled with shows featuring comedic takes on current events, many of which are hosted by Daily Show veterans, including HBO's Colbert and John Oliver this week. last one tonight.

Stewart's first guest on his return will be Zanny Minton Beddoes, editor of The Economist.

Can Stewart still command attention in this crowded field? Well, find out starting at 11 p.m. Monday, February 12 on Comedy Central. The first episode will also be simulcast on CMT, Logo, MTV, MTV2, Paramount Network, Pop and TV Land.

Kristi Turnquist covers features and entertainment. Contact her at 503-221-8227, [email protected] Or @Kristiturnquist

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