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Mark Wahlberg teams up with The Chosen actor for Super Bowl commercial

Mark Wahlberg teams up with The Chosen actor for Super Bowl commercial
Mark Wahlberg teams up with The Chosen actor for Super Bowl commercial


Mark Wahlberg speaks during a Hallow commercial airing during Super Bowl LVIII on February 11, 2024.
Mark Wahlberg speaks during a Hallow commercial airing during Super Bowl LVIII on February 11, 2024. | YouTube/Hallow: prayer and meditation

Actor, producer and entrepreneur Mark Wahlberg teamed up with actor Jonathan Roumie of “The Chosen” in an effort to inspire others to pray more during a Super Bowl LVIII commercial for Catholic app Hallow .

Wahlberg, 52, and Roumie, 49, who plays Jesus in “The Chosen,” could be seen on millions of television screens across the country during a 30 second ad during the match on Sunday.

“God, we're taking this moment just to thank You,” Wahlberg said in the ad, which urges viewers to take part in prayer during Lent (February 14-March 28).

THE Sanctify The app is a platform designed to offer prayer on the go and allows users to personalize their prayer experiences with a tailored daily prayer routine.

The app allows users to connect with friends and family and create family groups.

“Hallow's goal has always been to reach as many people as possible, both those who take their faith seriously and especially those who might have strayed, and to invite them to deepen their relationship with God ” said Alex Jones, co-author of Hallow. -founder and CEO, said in a statement about the Super Bowl LVIII commercial.

“When we learned of the schedule for the Big Game this year, we couldn't have been more excited to work with Mark and Jonathan to use it as an opportunity to invite millions of people to pray.”

The app, launched in December 2018, has garnered more than 10,000 sessions, including a “Daily Rosary,” “Daily Gospel,” “Daily Holy,” “Novenas,” “Exams,” “The Father Mike Schmitz Bible in a year “. “, “The Chosen's Jonathan Roumie Audio Bible” and “Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermons.”

The app has also been downloaded around 10 million times.

This isn't the first time Wahlberg has promoted the app. He explained on the “Today” show in February 2023 for Ash Wednesday that he had found time to “balance” his Catholic faith with his acting career.

In the series, the actor could be seen sporting ashes on his forehead in the shape of a cross to promote his involvement in Hallow.

At the time, Wahlberg said he was leading Hallow users through a series of lessons on fasting in the app during the Lenten season.

“There are many different elements to fasting. I think the important thing to understand is that if you have problems with food, there are other things. God knows what things He wants you to detach yourself from,” she said. Wahlberg said.

“We all know those things that make us feel guilty and don't make us feel as good as we should. [The goal is] being able to detach yourself from these things and focus on good habits rather than bad ones. I just challenge people to be better versions of themselves. »

Nicole Alcindor is a journalist for The Christian Post.

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