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Hollywood Finds Its Next “Karate Kid”

Hollywood Finds Its Next “Karate Kid”
Hollywood Finds Its Next “Karate Kid”


Ben Wang is the following The Karate Kid.

Wang, who previously starred alongside Michelle Yeoh in the Disney+ series American Born Chinese, landed the sought-after role after a global search that saw thousands of young actors from around the world vie for the title role in new film Karate Kid by Sony, which unites Jackie Chan and Ralph Macchio. According to studio insiders, Wang delivered an exceptional audition that demonstrated her deep connection with the character.

The actor, who is also fluent in Mandarin, is proficient in many forms of martial arts, including Karate, Wing Chun/Kung Fu, Gumdo, Kempo and Taekwando.

Chan and Macchio, who announced the casting search via video in November, will reprise their iconic characters from the Karate Kid franchise in the latest entry in the series from Sony Pictures.

Plot details for the new film are still under wraps, but Macchio will once again play Daniel LaRusso from the original Karate Kid film trilogy and the Cobra Kai series, while Chan will return as Mr. Han, a Kung master Fu from the 2010 film remake starring Jaden Smith.

The film will be directed by Jonathan Entwistle, the creator and director of Netflix's I Am Not Okay With This and The End of the Fing World. Peter Rabbit screenwriter Rob Lieber will write the screenplay and Karen Rosenfelt will produce it.

Sony Pictures will release the film in theaters on December 13, 2024.

The Karate Kid films grossed $618 million worldwide and spawned the Emmy-nominated Netflix series Cobra Kai. The series, created by Josh Heald, Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg, takes place decades after the events of the original films, reigniting a rivalry between Daniel and Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka).

The Hollywood Reporter was the first to break the news.

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