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Sudanese actor now sells pastries in Addis Ababa

Sudanese actor now sells pastries in Addis Ababa


Sudanese comedian Warrag Omar, who arrived in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, after fleeing his home in Khartoum, refused to sit idly by and successfully began selling pastries in the city. His small restaurant has become a meeting place for both Sudanese refugees and Ethiopian artists.

Warrag Omar, famous among Sudanese for the characters of Wad El Shorba (the soup boy) and Hasan Tareefa (Hasan penny) which he played during his performances in Khartoum, fled Burri, to the northeast last year of Khartoum, when the bullets at the start of this absurd war had broken out all the windows in the neighborhood.

Via the Eastern Nile in Khartoum North, Merowe in the Northern State, he finally reached Addis Ababa, Omar told Radio Dabanga correspondent Ashraf Abdelaziz in an interview on Friday.

When the war broke out on April 15, I was in Omdurman and managed to join my family in Khartoum the same day. As we lived in Burri Imtidad Nasir, we were close to the general command of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), where the clashes were very violent from the first day. We thought it would calm down after two or three days, but it lasted for months. When the situation became really tense, with prolonged lack of water and food, power cuts and most of our money spent, I decided to move north to Merowe.

Customers buying pastries at Jeddah restaurant in Addis Ababa, where Sudanese comedian Warrag Omar now sells pastries, on February 9 (Photo: Ashraf Abdelaziz / RD)

It's just

Asked about ways to support his family in Merowe, he said we still didn't imagine the fighting would last much longer. I thought we would spend a week or so. When we discovered that we were faced with a fait accompli, that the war was going to last a long time, I thought about the means of subsistence, because we had almost no money left.

Of course, if you tell the Sudanese that you are thinking of doing something, they will immediately take your idea and implement it. That's why I haven't told anyone about my baking project, I haven't even talked to myself, but I just started it.

The actor has certainly benefited from the advertisements he has posted on his Facebook page regarding super cozy pastries and loving pastries that take care of your complete well-being.

People started arriving, he said. They didn't come for the treats, but for the fun, the photos and the stories. You know, of course, when a famous man comes to a village and sits down with the villagers, they say: Let's go, let's join together.

Omar had no experience making pastries, called it's just in Sudan. I only knew how to eat it's just. I bought it from a factory and resold it. It was only recently that I learned to do basbousa myself.

The Jeddah restaurant in Addis Ababa, where Sudanese comedian Warrag Omar sells his pastries, on February 9 (Photo: Ashraf Abdelaziz/RD)

Addis Ababa

The actor began to lose his customers in Merowe when the population's purchasing power further declined. A friend living in Addis advised me to come and continue selling pastries there. At first I was doubtful, because I know Ethiopians don't like sweets as much as we do, but thank God I went there, posted announcements and everything went well.

I started in a small store with seven chairs. People came in large numbers and couldn't find a place to sit. Later I moved to Jeddah Restaurant.

Once his livelihood was secure, Warrag Omar established a charitable fund.

One day, on a very cold night, I found a Sudanese man sleeping in the street. This really upset me and I rented him a hotel room. From that time, I decided to act on the problems of the Sudanese, and I created a fund called Yad be-Yad (hand in hand) in order to solve such simple problems. I really appreciate the help of many young Sudanese people regarding this project.

Meeting place

Our store is not just about tea and pastries. It has become an important meeting place for Sudanese refugees here in the city, Omar added. In addition, many Ethiopian artists join us here, especially since Ethiopian culture is close to ours.

Before leaving Sudan, Omar produced awareness sketches on the theme of war. I have no ties to any party, I'm just someone who loves art, theater and security.

The comedian now plans to collaborate with Ethiopian actors and present sketches or a show about the need to stop the war in his home country.

If respected producers are available, we will be able to make beautiful art. The artists' mission is to spread peace and love, he said. Artists are stronger than politicians, than anything. The artist is the mirror of society, he reflects the problems of people, including politicians themselves.




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