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The Best Bollywood Filming Locations to Visit in Europe

The Best Bollywood Filming Locations to Visit in Europe
The Best Bollywood Filming Locations to Visit in Europe


By: Guest

Bollywood's love affair with Europe has given us some of the most memorable recent cinematic moments. As you plan your next vacation, why not travel to the enchanting landscapes of Europe and walk in the footsteps of your favorite Bollywood stars?

From the romantic streets of Paris to the historic charm of Prague, these films showcase Europe in all its glory. Let's embark on a cinematic journey across Europe, exploring the filming locations of some beloved Bollywood films.

Note: If you plan to visit these regions from 2025 onwards, you will need to request your UK ETIAS Visa.

Austria – Tiger Zinda Hai (2017)

A thrilling sequel to the blockbuster 'Ek Tha Tiger', this spy film stars Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif in a gripping tale set against a global backdrop. But a significant portion of this action-packed film was filmed in Austria, including the snowy landscapes and ski resorts of Tyrol.

The picturesque town of Innsbruck and its surrounding areas, including stunning frozen lakes and the majestic Alps, also provided a breathtaking backdrop for the film's high-octane action sequences.

Czech Republic – Rockstar (2011)

Ranbir Kapoor's journey in 'Rockstar' takes him to the beautiful city of Prague. The film's narrative interweaves the city's artistic and historical elements, capturing its Gothic and Baroque architecture, cobblestone streets and the mystical Vltava River.

Key scenes were filmed on the iconic Charles Bridge, Prague Castle and Old Town Square, reflecting the city's romantic and melancholic soul. The film also beautifully captures the city's vibrant music and cultural scene, resonating with the protagonist's journey as a musician.

France – Befikré (2016)

Set in the city of love, Paris, 'Befikre' is a modern love story starring Ranveer Singh and Vaani Kapoor. The film captures the essence of Parisian romance, with scenes filmed in iconic locations like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and the charming Montmartre district.

Fans can relive the film's carefree spirit by visiting these locations, perhaps even stealing a kiss at the Pont des Arts, known as the Love Lock Bridge.

Greece – Bang Bang (2014)

This high-octane action thriller, starring Hrithik Roshan and Katrina Kaif, takes you on a whirlwind tour of Europe. The 3 songs featured were all filmed in the Mediterranean, with the beautiful Greek island of Santorini serving as the backdrop for Meherbaan's music video.

As with Rockstar, key scenes were also filmed in the picturesque city of Prague. Visitors can explore the Charles Bridge and magnificent Prague Castle, in the same magical setting that set the stage for this hit Bollywood film.

Hungary – Jab Harry meets Sejal (2017)

This romantic drama, starring Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma, takes viewers to several European locations. Key scenes were notably filmed in Budapest.

Budapest's historic architecture, such as the Chain Bridge and Buda Castle, play a central role in the film. This city offers a blend of modern vibrancy and historic grandeur, perfect for fans wanting to experience the film's romantic journey.

Norway – Premam (2016)

Premam, a remake of the Malayalam blockbuster of the same name, stars Naga Chaitanya and Shruti Haasan. Key parts of this romantic film were filmed in the picturesque landscapes of Norway, particularly in and around the city of Oslo.

The serene fjords, bustling streets of Oslo, and lush Norwegian countryside provide a stunning backdrop to a captivating love story. Fans can explore the same picturesque locations, such as the iconic Oslo Opera House and the tranquil waters of the Oslo Fjord, feeling the romantic ambiance unique to the film.

Poland – Fanaa (2006)

'Fanaa', starring Aamir Khan and Kajol, beautifully showcases the picturesque landscapes of Poland, dubbed Kashmir in the film. The Tatra Mountains and historic Krakow provide a breathtaking backdrop to this intense love story.

Visitors can explore Wawel Castle and Krakow's Main Market Square, immersing themselves in the rich history and culture that framed this poignant Bollywood tale.

Spain – Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara (2011)

This film is a love letter to Spain, taking viewers on a road trip through breathtaking locations like Barcelona, ​​the Costa Brava and Seville. The performance of La Tomatina festival in Buol and the breathtaking San Juan de Gaztelugatxe has inspired many Bollywood fans to embark on their own Spanish adventure.

Each of these Spanish locations offers a unique blend of culture, history and natural beauty, much like the film's celebration of life and friendship.

Netherlands – Queen (2013):

Kangana Ranaut's character in 'Queen' embarks on a solo honeymoon in Paris. As she moves to Amsterdam, the narrative evolves into the city's dynamic and liberal spirit.

The film showcases the red light district's bustling streets, serene canals, and eclectic mix of modern and historic architecture. Amsterdam's hostel scenes, showcasing a mix of cultures and friendships, also showcase the city's welcoming and diverse nature.




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