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Coronavirus tackles Bollywood without ticket sales and high marketing budget


The closure of cinemas in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic has been accompanied by a chain of spinoffs. It is not just the lack of income from ticket sales that is burning a hole in the pockets of the film fraternity. In the end, there is also a loss of money from advertising in the film. Worse for the industry, production companies are forced to increase their marketing budgets so that films delayed by the brutal closure sell well every time they hit theaters.

"This quarter is completely washed out and should drop by at least 40 to 50% compared to last year. First, because the film's programming was weak, then the impact of Covid-19 in March, "said Mohan Umrotkar, CEO of Carnival Cinemas.

While ticket sales bring in the maximum revenue for theaters, there is also advertising revenue that adds to the top line. Almost 15% of film advertising revenues are now lost. Theaters earn between Rs 100 crore and Rs 160 crore per year in film advertising. While multiplexes are closing in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Mumbai, Karnataka, Kerala and many other places, the loss of income for the fortnight reaches more than Rs 100 crore.

However, these are not the only losses. Movies like Sooryavanshi who were delayed due to the foreclosure will now have to increase their marketing budgets, experts said. “Once the theaters are open, there will be a lot of pressure. There will be films scheduled to be released at that time and there will be films which have been delayed due to the closure. These films will need to double their marketing budgets to aggressively market their films, "said Girish Johar, business analyst and film producer.

"The marketing plan for a film is a preparation for creating an affinity with the film. A derailment like this has an impact on the mood and momentum of the film. Also from films like Sooryavanshi was supposed to make the first quarter of this year exciting, the delay makes the quarter wet, "said Harikrishnan Pillai, co-founder and CEO TheSmallBigIdea, who recently marketed films like Thappad, Love Aajkal 2 and Shubh Mangal Zyada Savdhaan.

Tinu Cherian Abraham, marketing and public relations professional, believes that the coronavirus will have a serious impact on cinematographic activities in the short term. With towns and villages blocked, it will affect the steps towards the theaters.

The movies will move faster to streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hotstar, as people will begin to prefer watching them from the comfort and security of the home, said Cherian. He thinks it will also speed up the digital marketing of the film industry.

The fear of health and the closing of cinemas by the authorities have clearly affected some good films in terms of revenue from box office revenues. Movies like Angrezi Medium and Baaghi 3 suffered at the hands of the pandemic. Baaghi 3 opened at Rs 17.5 crore net while it was set to open at Rs 26 crore. "Angrezi Medium saw at least a 35% hit on weekend 1 in box office collections, if not more. Although he has stated that he will be released in Delhi and other markets a day later, it would be interesting to see if people flock as they would otherwise be normal, "said Pillai.

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