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Stuck at home? Now is the time to try a free entertainment app


Seniors may feel relieved that the BBC has agreed to delay billing over 75s for a television license in light of the coronavirus epidemic.

But with some people who should now isolate themselves at home for three months or more, you may want more than the black box in your living room to get your entertainment solution.

The good news is that there are lots of movies, sets, music, audio books and even games at your fingertips – and many are completely free for the first month at least. Popular video call apps can also help you stay close to family and friends.

Here, Money Mail details what is on offer.

For the addicts of the box, Netflix offers a choice of 500 TV programs and 2400 films, including the hit series The Crown (photo)

For the addicts of the box, Netflix offers a choice of 500 TV programs and 2400 films, including the hit series The Crown (photo)


For addicts in the box, Netflix offers a choice of 500 TV programs and 2400 films, including the hit series The Crown.

You can sign up for a 30-day free trial and watch the shows on a smart TV, laptop or tablet. After the trial, a basic subscription costs 5.99 per month.

This will allow you to watch everything you want on one device. If you're a couple, you can upgrade to a standard subscription, at a cost of $ 8.99 per month, and watch shows on two separate devices.

Or, for large families, with the premium offer of 11.99, you can watch shows on four different screens.

If you only want to use it for free trial, remember to cancel before the first payment. You will receive a reminder email three days before the free period ends.


If you like radio drama, chances are you'll also like podcasts. From politics to gardening, there is something for everyone.

You can download them to your tablet or smartphone and listen to them whenever you want.

And if you enjoy a series, you can also subscribe so that future episodes are downloaded automatically.

Apple podcasts, on iPhone and iPad, are free. You can currently download a BBC World Series program called 13 Minutes To The Moon, which documents NASA's missions in space.

If you have an Android device instead of an iPhone or iPad, you can listen to free podcasts on the Pocket Casts app


For music fans, there are more than 30 million songs available on Spotify. You can download the app for free, but you will need to listen to commercials between songs.

Classic view: Fawlty Towers is available on BritBox

Classic view: Fawlty Towers is available on BritBox

To escape the ads, you can sign up for Spotify Premium at 9.99 per month. There is also a generous three-month free trial.

Students get a discounted rate of 4.99 and there is a family plan at 14.99 per month, which allows you to share an account with up to five people as long as you all live at the same address.


This service offers buyers one-day delivery on millions of products, but it also gives you access to around 18,000 movies and 1,900 TV shows, as well as books, magazines and more. of two million songs.

There's a 30-day free trial, after which you'll pay $ 7.99 a month. Or, if you buy an annual subscription, you can pay 79 in advance and save 16.88.


Audible allows you to download one or two audiobooks each month if you have a subscription. Once you've downloaded the book, it's up to you to keep it forever even if you later cancel your direct debit.

For an audio book per month, the service costs 7.99 per month. For two, it's 14.99 a month. Or you can pay 109.99 a year. An annual subscription could save you up to 69.89. There is also a 30-day free trial.

Audio books currently available include Hilary Mantel's The Mirror And The Light and the Sherlock Holmes collection, read by Stephen Fry.


If you like classic TV shows, the ITV / BBC BritBox streaming service may be for you. Its show catalog includes Fawlty Towers, Happy Valley and Gavin & Stacey.

Subscribers pay $ 5.99 per month and there is no annual discounted subscription, but you can try it for free for 30 days.


Sky's streaming service also provides access to a selection of movies and sets. With the Sky Cinema Pass, you can choose from over 1,000 films for 11.99 per month.

The Entertainment Pass includes access to 300 boxes for 8.99 per month. Both come with a seven-day free trial.

Hilary Mantels new book The Mirror and The Light

Hilary Mantels new book The Mirror and The Light

There is also a sports subscription, but many major matches are postponed.


You can use Skype to make free video calls over the Internet. The app can be downloaded to smartphones, tablets and computers.

You just need a cell phone number and an email address to register. If you call someone via their computer or phone app, there is no charge.

But if you call a landline or mobile phone number, you will need to purchase credit or subscribe. You could pay 6 a month for 400 minutes of calls to UK numbers.


There are a multitude of free games to play on your tablet or smartphone. Words With Friends, for example, is a bit like Scrabble.

If your friends also download the app, you can play against each other. But be careful when talking to strangers in the app, as scammers are known to prey on certain users.


Stay informed with mailplus. where you will find free briefings, podcasts and videos from inside the press room, including Andrew Pierce's daily radio show.

Or visit for digital editions of the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday, as well as interactive puzzles with tips, timers and prices.

The first month costs just one, rising to 10.99 a month thereafter. Or save 12 by paying 119.88 in advance for a one-year subscription. You can cancel the monthly transaction at any time.

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