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Actor Gary Sinise pays tribute to his son, Mac, after 33-year-old dies from rare cancer

Actor Gary Sinise pays tribute to his son, Mac, after 33-year-old dies from rare cancer
Actor Gary Sinise pays tribute to his son, Mac, after 33-year-old dies from rare cancer


Actor Gary Sinise has paid a heartbreaking tribute to his son, McCanna Anthony Mac Sinise, after he passed away earlier this year following a rare diagnosis of spinal cancer.

The Forest Gump actor announced Tuesday on the Gary Sinise Foundation website that Mac Sinise died on Jan. 5, five years after being diagnosed with chordoma. He was 33 years old.

Like any family faced with such a loss, we are heartbroken and are coping as best we can, Sinise wrote in the letter. As parents, it is very difficult to lose a child.

Although our hearts ache for missing him, we are comforted to know that Mac is no longer struggling, and is inspired and moved by the way he handled the situation. He fought an uphill battle against incurable cancer, but he never stopped trying, Sinise added.

Mac Sinise was first diagnosed with chordoma in August 2018. He underwent several spinal surgeries to remove the initial tumor, but the chordoma returned and began to spread.

According to National Cancer Institute, one in a million people worldwide are diagnosed with chordoma each year. Chordomas are difficult to treat because they grow near important tissues like nerves and blood vessels.

Cancer left Sinise paralyzed from the chest down, but he used his limited mobility in his right arm to pursue his passion project during his senior year. Sinise dedicated his time to creating music with an old friend and his father's bandmates.

Sinise recorded two pieces, one unfinished from his college years and the other on the harmonica, which he learned to play while undergoing medical treatment. Its success inspired Sinise to create an entire album.

The album entitled Resurrection & Revival will be available soon.

He gave so much to his family and friends during his 33 years and accomplished great things in these final months, Gary Sinise wrote. Thanks, Mac. You did it. Resurrection & Revival will endure. And you too. In our hearts forever.




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