Actor in Wonka-style disaster event says scenario was 'AI-generated gibberish'
“Willy's Chocolate Experience” was such a disaster that it was quickly shut down and the police were called to the scene. after families demanded refunds for $35 ($44) tickets. One attendee called the event an “absolute disaster.”
Some of the actors hired for the event expressed suspicions about AI's role in designing the chaotic scenario.
Paul Connell, an actor and comedian hired to play Willy Wonka at the event in Glasgow, Scotland, told the Independent the script provided was “15 pages of AI-generated gibberish” and asked him to say “crazy things”.
“What got me there was when I had to say, 'There is a man whose name we don't know. We know him as the Unknown. This Unknown is an evil chocolatier who lives in the walls,” Connell told the newspaper.
Kirsty Paterson, who played an Oompla-Loompa at the event, also suspected the storyline could have used some help from AI.
“They kept saying it was possible to improvise,” Paterson said. Vulture. “I kind of thought it was AI-generated, but at that point I had signed the contract.”
Jenny Fogarty, another actress booked for the event, told the Daily Mail she and her partner thought the AI had written the content after reading the strangely written stage directions.
Screenshots of the script were shared online with several users speculate that the content was generated by AI.
“To be fair to the AI that wrote the screenplay for Willy Wonka, it's a bold and radical move to provide stage directions dictating exactly when the audience will laugh, giggle, 'mutter affirmatively' and be ' visibly amused'”, one X user joked.
Business Insider could not independently verify whether the script was generated by AI. When provided with images of the script, ChatGPT responded that it was “difficult to be certain” if the text was generated by AI.
Language about the event website, which is still online, is equally bizarre. In the Entertainment section, something called “catgacating” was promised, along with “exarserdray lollipops” and a “sweet pacifier pasadise.”
Meanwhile, the “Imagination Lab” was supposed to take visitors on a “surreal journey where the lines between reality and fantasy seamlessly blur, resulting in an enchanting and visually arresting encounter.”
Representatives from House of Illuminati, the organizers of the event, also appear to be using AI-like images on their screens. website. The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment from BI.
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