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“Jeetu Josephs Mohanlal starrer Drishyam to be remade in Hollywood”. Hollywood

“Jeetu Josephs Mohanlal starrer Drishyam to be remade in Hollywood”.  Hollywood



After numerous remakes in Indian languages ​​and a Chinese adaptation, Jeetu Josephs Drishyam is all set to conquer Hollywood. The 2013 Malayalam film starring Mohanlal, Meena, Ansiba Hassan and Esther Anil in lead roles will now get an English remake. (Also read: Drishyam's films will be remade in Korea: Panorama Studios and Anthology Studios announce partnership at Cannes Film Festival)

Mohanlal in a still from the 2013 film Drishyam
Mohanlal in a still from the 2013 film Drishyam

The remake

The cult franchise #Drishyam is all set to go global after achieving massive success in the Indian and Chinese markets. Producers Kumar Mangat Pathak and Abhishek Pathak announced the Korean remake of the thriller franchise at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival, and now they are announcing the franchise's new milestone, trade analyst Ramesh Bala wrote on X, adding that Panorama Studios has partnered with Gulfstream Pictures and JOAT Films will shoot Drishyam in Hollywood, a first for an Indian film! (sic)

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Sreedhar Pillai also shared on X that international remake rights have been acquired from the original producers, Panorama Studios has acquired the international remake rights of Drishyam 1 & 2 from the original producers, Aashirvad Cinemas.

Drishyam Franchise

When the Malayalam film was released in 2013, it saw huge success with other filmmakers vying for the remake rights. In 2014, the film was remade in Kannada as Drishya and in Telugu as Drushyam with Ravichandran and Venkatesh in the lead roles, respectively. In 2015, it was remade in Tamil as Papanasam and in Hindi as Drishyam starring Kamal Haasan and Ajay Devgn, respectively.

In 2017, it was remade in Sinhala under the title Dharmayuddhaya with Jackson Anthony and in 2019 under the title Sheep Without a Shepherd with Xiao Yang in Mandarin Chinese. Different directors took on different languages, with Jeetu directing only the Tamil version. Indonesian and Korean remakes are already in the works.

The following

In a rare move, Drishyam 2, released in 2021, was hailed as a worthy sequel to the 2013 film. The film began where the first one left off, with Mohanlal's character Georgekutty and his family dealing with the aftermath of 'a crime. The sequel was also remade in Telugu, Kannada and Hindi.

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