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When young Shah Rukh Khan slammed actors for leaving their wives and girlfriends for a career: how rude! | Bollywood News

When young Shah Rukh Khan slammed actors for leaving their wives and girlfriends for a career: how rude!  |  Bollywood News
When young Shah Rukh Khan slammed actors for leaving their wives and girlfriends for a career: how rude!  |  Bollywood News


He is the best husband and father I could ask for. I always say I'm so lucky to be with Shah Rukh Khan, the man, Gauri Khan, wife of superstar Shah Rukh Khan, told Vogue in a 2018 interview while gushing over her well-off husband. love. Shah Rukh, a caring father, also expressed his love for his wife and children. It wouldn't be wrong to call Shah Rukh Khan the perfect family man, who despite his fame and success spanning three decades, puts his loved ones first, never missing an opportunity to celebrate them. You could say that this dedication towards family comes with time and age, but this is Shah Rukh we are talking about. The Pathaan actor has always been the one who greets his loved ones and never neglects them for his career or fame, never letting his profession overshadow his personal life. In an old 1991, even before the actor made a splash in Bollywood, told a magazine, I have a personal life. I have friends, a girlfriend, an uncle, an aunt, a sister. And they are the most important people in my life (sic). The magazine's pages featuring a young and raw Shah Rukh were recently shared on Reddit.

The actor said that although some actors came into the industry to earn money, fame and glory and are known to put their weight behind it, he wanted acting and to have a good balance between work and private life. I'm just trying to say that I don't like much of the frills that come with this profession. I don't want to get lost and lost in this world like the others. I want to stay in touch with reality. I want to stay in touch with myself (sic), shared Shah Rukh who had only done a few roles on television at that time. The actor has worked in TV shows like Circus, Fauji, Dil Dariya, Dusra Keval, Umeed, Ahmaq and Wagle Ki Duniya.

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Unlike many actors who gave in out of vanity and sacrificed their love and family in the quest for success, SRK emphasized the importance of having the best of both worlds, in career and relationships. And I really don't understand this big bullshit of sacrificing this for my career and that for my career. I mean, why can't you have both? Why are you making excuses for your neglect of your family, wife or girlfriend? And even though you have neglected your personal life in favor of your professional life, what makes you so proud?, SRK asked, adding: You have no right to hurt people who love you and talk about it.

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The actor, who was dating Gauri, in the report slammed actors who dumped women in their lives after becoming successful and treated them like objects. Referring to an interview in which another actor bragged about leaving his girlfriend for a film, SRK added: As I read somewhere, I think it was in Stardust, a guy saying that he had abandoned his wife because of her career. My job is more important to me than my wife or something… How rude can you get? What about the moments you shared with the woman? How ridiculous (sic).

Shah Rukh and Gauri, who met in 1984, married in 1991 in a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony, after six years of dating. The couple welcomed their first child, Aryan Khan, in 1997, followed by their daughter, Suhana, in 2000. The power couple opted for surrogacy for their youngest child, AbRam, born in 2013.

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