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Model and actress Cara Delevingnes' Los Angeles home destroyed in fire – Daily Press

Model and actress Cara Delevingnes' Los Angeles home destroyed in fire – Daily Press
Model and actress Cara Delevingnes' Los Angeles home destroyed in fire – Daily Press


LOS ANGELES (AP) The Los Angeles home of model and actress Cara Delevingne was destroyed in a fire Friday.

A firefighter was taken to a hospital in fair condition with unspecified injuries, and an unidentified person in the home suffered minor smoke inhalation, Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Nicholas Prange said.

Delevingne shared several Instagram Stories referencing the fire after TMZ reported that the home in the Studio City neighborhood that was engulfed in flames before dawn belonged to her. Delevingne is currently appearing in a production of Cabaret in London's West End and was apparently not at home.

Firefighters arrived at the two-story home and found heavy fire in the back, which destroyed one room and spread to the attic, Prange said. Once firefighters were sure everyone was out of the house, they took a defensive position and the roof collapsed. It took them more than two hours to put out the flames.

Hours later, Delevingne shared a video showing a street full of fire trucks with flashing lights.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the firefighters and people who showed up to help, another Instagram story read.

A third Instagram story showed a photo of two cats with the caption: My heart is broken today, I can't believe life can change in the blink of an eye, cherish what you have. She later clarified in another message that her cats were not injured in the fire.

The house also matches one that was featured in a 2021 profile in Architectural Digest. The white brick house with two swimming pools and two trampolines in the yard was built in 1941 for the Von der Ahe family, founders of the Vons grocery chain.

Delevingne and her designer added fun elements, including a costume room for fancy dress parties, a David Bowie-tribute bathroom, poker and billiards rooms and a ball pit.

If I'm having a bad day, I jump in the ball pit, Delevingne told the magazine. You can't really cry in a ball pit.

Representatives for Delevingnes did not immediately respond to emails seeking comment.

The cause was under investigation.

London-born Delevingne, 31, became widely known as a model in the early 2010s and later began acting, appearing in the 2016 DC Comics film Suicide Squad and director Luc Bessons' 2017 Valerian and the City of a Thousand planets.

She also appeared in the Hulu series Only Murders in the Building with Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selena Gomez in 2022, and in FX's American Horror Story in 2023.


Associated Press writer John Antczak and AP photographer Jae Hong contributed.




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