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Hollywood A-Listers Continue To Buy In Brooklyn – Variety


When A-list showbiz types like Matt Damon, Emily Blunt and Daniel Craig arrive in a neighborhood, you can usually expect explosions, dramas and big box office numbers. But the only thing exploding in downtown Brooklyn's historic district, where all of these stars own multi-million dollar homes, are real estate sales figures.

The green, quiet and adjacent neighborhoods of Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill, Boerum Hill and Carroll Gardens have experienced unprecedented price appreciation in the past decade, as has been recently reported by the New York Times. The median selling price of Cobble Hill homes in the third quarter of 2019 was $ 1.5 million, based on 17 transactions, and the year-over-year increase was was astonishing 88%. Whether it's sparkling new condos or stately old townhouses, these neighborhoods have become real estate gold for brokers entertaining leading buyers. What is the draw? A family atmosphere, historic brownstones, fun filled condos and a myriad of cultural attractions.

Brooklyn certainly has its fair share of famous names born and raised in the borough, Joan Rivers, Mike Tyson, Larry King, Edie Falco, Barry Manilow and Adam Sandler, to name a few. Most recently, Lena Dunham has taken up residence in Brooklyn Heights and the late actor Heath Ledger and his wife of the time, Michelle Williams, have set up their home on Hoyt Street. Beyonce's younger sister Solange once resided in Carroll Gardens and actress Kerri Russell is a longtime resident of Boerum Hill, his featured townhouse almost a decade ago on the pages of Elle Décor.

Brooklyn heights

In 2016, the rumor that Matt Damon was preparing an offer of around $ 40 million for the so-called Low Mansion on Pierrepont Street in Brooklyn Heights. Instead, he chose a family-size penthouse in a newly constructed Brooklyn Heights condominium building for which he made about $ 16.75 million – the highest price ever paid for a house in Brooklyn. This record purchase was soon followed by Emily Blunt and John Krasinki, who seized two units in the same building as Damon for a total of $ 11 million.

Adam Driver, who was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor for his role in "The Marriage Story" of Netflix, recently revealed in The new yorker that he lived in Brooklyn Heights, and Mary Louise Parker owns a five-bedroom duplex overlooking the Brooklyn Boardwalk, which she purchased in 2018 for $ 4.3 million. Other residents of Brooklyn Heights include Paul Giamatti, who has been there for a decade, and Icelandic singer-songwriter Bjork who took down a penthouse in 2009 for the $ 4.5 million she sold. lucratively last year for almost $ 8 million.

Some of the new showbiz residents are Brooklyn's long-time owner, Michelle Williams, and her fiancé, director and director Tommy Kail, who celebrated their engagement with the off-market purchase of $ 10.8 million. dollars from a historic townhouse. Another Spanish couple, Jennifer Connelly and Paul Bettany, broke townhouse sales records when they dropped $ 15.5 million in 2018 on an 8,000 square foot urban palace.

Cobble Hill

Next to Brooklyn Heights is Cobble Hill, which also boasts tree-lined streets, historic buildings, and a thriving restaurant scene. It made many British people feel at home, perhaps because of their similarity to architecture and neighborhoods from the British era. And, indeed, one of the most famous citizens of England, Daniel Craig, and his Anglo-American wife, Rachel Weizs, call him home; they bought their townhouse of his British compatriots, the author Martin Amis and Isabela Fonseca.

A multi-Grammy winner, Norah Jones is a long-time resident of Carroll Gardens, having purchased a five-bedroom townhouse for the first time in 2009 for $ 4.9 million. This house recently sold after being listed for $ 8 million. However, the smoky singer does not leave the area – she bought a transportation home at nearby Cobble Hill for $ 6.25 million.

Carroll Gardens

The neighborhood, which spans about 40 blocks, has experienced ever-changing demographics like much of Brooklyn, starting with the Irish immigrants who settled there for the first time in 19th century. Recent famous residents include Beyoncé's younger sister Solange Knowles and "Girls" actress Jemima Kirke.

Boerum hill

Another British, independent actress / screenwriter, Emily Mortimer ("Lars and the real girl", "The Newsroom" of HBO) lives in a townhouse in Boerum Hill, and other long-time residents of the neighborhood include actor Ethan Hawke, who first moved there in 2013, when he acquired a four-story neo-Greek townhouse for $ 3.9 million dollars.

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