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The man who lost his penis created a new penis on his arm


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A British man who lost his penis needed to wear an artificial phallus on his arm for four years.

Malcolm McDonald, 45, was septic because of a perineal infection. His fingers, toes and penis turned black and eventually lost the penis in 2014. Sun Reported only on Thursday 30 July.

Transplanting an artificial penis on the arm is an opportunity to regain normal sensation after the two separated fathers lose their masculinity. But his testicles are still intact.

“One day I fell to the floor,” he recalls. “I was experiencing the devastation that I knew I would lose it, so I picked it up and put it in a box.”

“They said it was best to go to the hospital and roll up the rest of the stumps like a little sausage roll. That was disastrous.”

McDonald’s felt the “shadow of a man” for two years.

“My life really fell apart because I wasn’t confident,” he said. He stayed away from his family and friends and drank heavily.

“I felt terribly lacking a penis. That is the worst fear for most men,” he said.

“I didn’t have to worry about sex because I already had two children. It was always more important to my self-confidence and simple things like using the toilet.”

His doctor referred him to professor David Ralph, a urologist who specializes in genital reconstruction, especially penile plasty, to create an artificial penis.

Ralf explained that an arm transplant procedure was necessary. The penis is constructed by removing the veins from the body and wrapping the skin on the arm in the form of a penis. It is then attached to the arm with the urethra and two tubes that are inflated with a hand pump, allowing for a “mechanical” erection.

Ralph said the entire process could take up to two years, and McDonald’s expected his outlook. Having also had the opportunity to have a new penis, he also requested that it be 2 inches longer. McDonald’s also received £50,000 from the National Health Service for the procedure.

“When I first saw it on my arm, I was very proud,” he said. He named it: Jimmy.

“After everything I experienced, it wasn’t weird at all. It was just part of me.”

However, “Jimmy” has been armed for longer than expected. When he embarked on surgery in 2018, he was ill and needed to postpone it.

He stated that due to a mix-up between scheduling and shipping, the implantation of his penis into the groin was further delayed. He was supposed to have surgery in April last year, after which a coronavirus pandemic broke out.

Spokesperson at University College Hospital said the postponement was also due to McDonald’s canceling or missing the reservation.

Despite all the setbacks, McDonald’s wants him to have surgery by the end of the year.

He also accepted humor in his situation. He wears a long-sleeved shirt to hide his penis, but sometimes it’s discovered and some jokes about it. He admits, “I would end if I had to laugh Willie in my arm.”

“It’s like a weird science fiction comic. But it’s my chance in normal life,” he said. “It was the first step towards getting to the bathroom and getting closer with someone.” Girl V. Guneau /JB

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