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The ASB elects eight new senators

The ASB elects eight new senators
The ASB elects eight new senators


ASB senators-elect are sworn in on April 9, 2024. Photo by Sanjay Patel.

The Associated Student Body of the University of Mississippi held its first Senate meeting under the leadership of newly elected Vice President Jack Jones on Tuesday, April 9, in Weems Auditorium. That meeting did not introduce any resolutions or bills, but instead focused on the candidates vying for eight open Senate seats.

17 candidates ran for the eight vacant seats, each delivering a 90-second speech to the ASB senatorial body.

Ashlyn Loper, a sophomore majoring in public policy leadership, spoke about her goal of encouraging community service among students.

If chosen, I would like to add community service and philanthropy to the graduation requirements, Loper said. It would be a great thing to teach individuals on campus the importance of giving back and really growing community and overall well-being.

Freshman Shane Harmon, a biomedical engineering major, prioritized appropriate sex education on campus in his speech.

Although the university has made efforts to promote sex education, I know we can work much harder on this initiative, Harmon said. We should combat this disconnect by communicating with students and during orientation, providing each student with a minimum of three condoms as well as a pamphlet with important sexual health information. Through this, we ensure that every student receives information as well as tools that promote healthy and safe sexual habits.

After all speeches were delivered, the candidates were asked to leave the room before ASB senators voted on the vacant seats via an online form.

The following people were elected:

Garrett Holland, junior accounting major.

Edward Hunter, second-year political science student.

Adam Maatallah, first-year international studies and public policy leadership student.

Ella Key, a first-year business student.

Evangeline Ryan, first-year public policy leadership student.

Clifton Cole Wade, sophomore biology major.

Brady Moore, first-year public policy leadership student.

Edward Wilson, first-year public policy leadership student.

Wilson shared his thoughts on his re-election.

I feel pretty excited to be back in the Senate, Wilson said. I'm glad they're willing to take a chance on me one more time.

Wilson hopes to continue tackling campus issues as a second-year senator.

“I want to make sure we can do a little bit more when it comes to dining services on campus, maybe as far as when we close, what we offer and the variety of choices,” Wilson said. I also want to work a little bit on the health center, how we pay for things at the health center, how the bills work and what students have to pay versus what already comes out of their current tuition.

All elected senators took the oath before the ASB body.

I think we have eight great new senators, Jones said. I can't wait to see what they do.




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