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The longest-running Bollywood film in a decade spent 25 weeks in theaters; it's not Animal, Jawan, Fighter, Gadar 2

The longest-running Bollywood film in a decade spent 25 weeks in theaters;  it's not Animal, Jawan, Fighter, Gadar 2
The longest-running Bollywood film in a decade spent 25 weeks in theaters;  it's not Animal, Jawan, Fighter, Gadar 2


Directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Vikrant Massey, starring Medha Shankr, 12th Fail completed its silver jubilee in cinemas, a record untouched for a decade.

In the 50s, 60s and 70s, a film closing a jubilee was more common. Today, a film is measured by Rs 100, 500, 1000 crore club. At that time, a film shown for 25 weeks in cinemas was considered a silver jubilee success. Similarly, a film which lasted for 50 weeks in cinemas was termed as a golden jubilee success, and a film which lasted for 75 weeks was termed as a diamond jubilee success.

However, since 2000, the jubilee trend has seen a sharp decline. Recently, a film brought the term jubilee back to the forefront. A film released in 2023 has completed its 25th week in theaters. This film was not a blockbuster like Animal, Jawan, Gadar 2 or Pathaan, but the film reached a benchmark that even the biggest hits failed to achieve.

The film which spent 25 weeks in theaters is…

Vikrant Massey, 12th failure with Medha Shankr, reached another milestone by becoming a Silver Jubilee success. The film directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra is based on the life of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma, and it was released in theaters on October 27, 2023. Made on a budget of Rs 20 crore, the film grossed 70 crores worldwide , and it is still running. cinemas.

The team shared this feat on their social media, with a new poster, and captioned: “First film in 23 years to achieve this milestone. Thank you to the audience for making our dream come true. YOU are truly responsible for making this happen. to make this happen.”

Is 12th Fail the first film to celebrate its silver jubilee?

Media says Vivaah was the last Bollywood film to do Silver Jubilee, but it was Dhoom 2. Did Silver Jubilee in Dreamland (Matinée shows)

byu/Cinemalover4 InBollyBlindsNGossip

The makers claimed that 12th Fail was the first film in 23 years (after Gadar in 2001) to achieve silver jubilee status. However, Dhoom 2 (2006) and The Dirty Picture (2011) were also silver jubilee hits. On the work front, Vikrant Massey will be next seen in The Sabarmati Report. The film is scheduled to release on May 3, 2024.

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