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As a baseball fan, an evening at Banana Ball is worth it –

As a baseball fan, an evening at Banana Ball is worth it –
As a baseball fan, an evening at Banana Ball is worth it –


Oh boy, was I wrong.

My aha moment didn't happen while watching a player adoring a child, a hilarious dance, or because there was a cowboy Party Animal hat and everything is from Texas. He was talking to Bronson Bronny Balholm, one of the Party Animals' catchers. Well, to be completely honest, it was the combination of him and his mother, the the biggest baseball fan in his family, it warmed my heart.

Catherine Balholm plays receiver in high school and was a bat girl at Arizona State University. She wanted to play in college but didn't get the chance. pre-Title IX world; so, she passed on her love of the game to her son. Instead of the traditional father-son bond that baseball brings, when Bronson was a kid, it was Cathleen throw him balls in the garden.

He's my superhero, Bronson said.

So with Cathleen's baseball prowess, She called the pitches for the Party Animals in the second round of the Friday competition.

He kept shaking me, Cathleen said with a laugh. And I was like, “What’s this about, I’m your mother!” »

Cathleen is now one of my superheroes. A woman who loves the game, whatever its form.

After talking with both of them, I started to smile. And I couldn't stop smiling, even though the pitch hadn't been thrown yet. All I had done was talk to a player and his mother. But this feeling is at the heart of Banana Ball. Bananas and Party People is for everyone.

The Bananas aren't obsessed with tradition and the glitz that comes with the fun of baseball comes first. That being said, games are still competitive.

The funny thing is everyone always questions how competitive the game is because we play [the Party Animals] every time, the banana thrower Ethan Needles said. But think of it like this: you play against your best friends every game. Honestly, it will probably be a lot more competitive.

At its core, Banana Ball is about the thrill of sitting in the stands of a baseball stadium and having an unforgettable experience.

This week I will be back at Boshamer Stadium to cover the Tar The heels take on Coastal Carolina and will be perfectly content with the “slow” game. But at the same time, it's nice to let loose, be a little rowdy and enjoy the joy of baseball every once in a while.

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So, as a die-hard baseball fan, thank you to Banana Ball for bringing the love of the game to so many.


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