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Mumtaz's Diary in Pakistan: The actor meets Fawad Khan, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and others. See photos | Bollywood

Mumtaz's Diary in Pakistan: The actor meets Fawad Khan, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and others.  See photos |  Bollywood
Mumtaz's Diary in Pakistan: The actor meets Fawad Khan, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and others.  See photos |  Bollywood


Veteran Bollywood actor Mumtaz appears to be visiting Pakistan. She shared a bunch of photos and videos from her time in the neighboring country, which give a glimpse of what she's doing there. (Also read Mumtaz slams Zeenat Aman for approving of living at her house: She should be the last person to give relationship advice')

Mumtaz meets Fawad Khan and Rahat Fateh Ali Khan in Pakistan
Mumtaz meets Fawad Khan and Rahat Fateh Ali Khan in Pakistan

Mumtaz in Pakistan

Mumtaz took to her Instagram account on Friday and shared photos from her visit to Pakistan. The latest ones show her posing with Fawad Khan. While wearing a black top and brown pants, Fawad is seen in a black kurta pajama, with a navy blue shawl draped over her shoulders. He smiles at the camera while Mumtaz looks away and stands beside him. In the other photo, we see them chatting with each other, sitting on a sofa.

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An Instagram user commented on one of the posts: “Please send it back,” referring to the turmoil following the Uri affair in India, when a ban was imposed on Pakistani artists. Fawad Khan was at the center of this controversy, as protests erupted against his supporting role in Karan Johar's romantic drama Ae Dil Hai Mushkil.

In a video shared earlier by Mumtaz, legendary Pakistani singer Ghulam Ali can be seen playing the harmonium and singing a ghazal, while Mumtaz and a few others sit in awe and awe around him. Earlier, Mumtaz had also shared videos of Rahat Fateh Ali Khan singing on stage. She also posted a photo of herself posing with him.

Mumtaz makes headlines

Recently, Mumtaz was in the news for criticizing her contemporary Zeenat Aman for her encouraging stance on premarital relationships. Mumtaz had said in an interview with Zoom, Zeenat should be careful what she advises. She's suddenly become very popular on social media, and I can understand her excitement about looking like a cool aunt. But giving advice contrary to our moral values ​​is not the solution to increasing your audience.

Aap Zeenat ko hi le lo misaal ke taur par (Take Zeenat for example) She knew Mazhar Khan for years before marrying him. His marriage was hell. She should be the last person to give relationship advice,” Mumtaz added. When HT City contacted Zeenat for her response, she said she doesn't like tearing down her colleagues.




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