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Countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo to become general director of Opera Philadelphia

Countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo to become general director of Opera Philadelphia


Anthony Roth Costanzo was hired Thursday as general director and president of Opera Philadelphia and will continue his career as a leading countertenor while taking over an ambitious company facing post-pandemic economic challenges.

“Even though I'm an opera singer, it's my job to ensure the health of this art form that I love,” he said in an interview this week. And the flip side of that is that I'm frustrated with opera and its inability to always innovate in the ways that I think can help it develop. So it's something that I've been developing a skill set for for a long time and I've been waiting for an opportunity that looks good to me.

Constanzo, who turns 42 on May 8, will start work June 1 and replace David Devan, who is retire after 13 seasons at the helm. Music director Corrado Rovaris has a contract until 2026-2027.

Opera Philadelphia for 2024-2025 has abandoned its popular season-opening festival, which began in 2017, and reduced next season's budget to $10 million, of which $1,275,000 is expected to come from revenue tickets. There will only be three main productions, starting with the American premiere of The Listeners by Missy Mazzoli on September 25.

“They've kept this season light, which gives me some wiggle room if I can bring in more resources,” Constanzo said. I really feel like part of the future vision we can build on at Opera Philadelphia is the idea of ​​strategic partnerships and collaborations that help us pool our resources and spread our wings across the globe. beyond the world of opera.

Costanzo raised funds for Glass Handel, an art installation at the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia as part of the O18 festival featuring the music of Philip Glass and George Frideric Handel. It included videos, live painting and dancing.

I put together the idea and the creative team, then I built the budget, he said in an interview this week. I even remember driving the truck, the U-Haul truck with the sets inside.

Board Chairman Stephen K. Klasko said 42 people applied for the position. Costanzo impressed with his optimism and charisma.

His ability to raise a lot of revenue for his programs was pretty incredible, Klasko said. We need to create new audiences who are excited about what we do and who don't necessarily come to see “Madame Butterfly.”

Costanzo appeared this year in a new production of Thomas Ads The Exterminating Angel at the Paris Opera, title Glucks Orfeo ed Eurydice at the Metropolitan Opera from May 16 and is in the world premiere of Gregory Spears The Righteous at the Paris Opera. Santa Fe starting July 13. .

Working in an administrative role while singing is rare but not unprecedented. Soprano Beverly Sills became general director of the New York City Opera in 1979 and continued to sing the following year.

Source: job




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