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Exclusive: Hangyeom Makes Acting Debut in BL Jazz For Two and Makes Music for Bollywood

Exclusive: Hangyeom Makes Acting Debut in BL Jazz For Two and Makes Music for Bollywood


Like most South Koreans, K-pop idol Hangyeom of boy band Omega X is also a fan of Aamir Khans 3 Idiots. The film's evocative message about education and the pressure to perform struck a chord among Koreans. Hangyeom tells us that he too would love to be a part of Bollywood productions if he gets the chance. I especially love the dance and song filled scenes in Indian films, so one day I would like to produce soundtracks and even make guest appearances in them. ” (Also read: ADOR CEO Min Hee-jin requested the right to terminate NewJeans' contract without HYBE approval: report)

Hangyeom will soon be seen in Jazz For Two.  (Photo credit: IPQ)
Hangyeom will soon be seen in Jazz For Two. (Photo credit: IPQ)

Singer, dancer, and songwriter Hangyeom recently made his acting debut in the Korean BL (Boy Love) film Jazz for Two, based on the BL webtoon of the same name. In an exclusive interview with Seoul's Hindustan Times, he reveals that it was surreal to see himself performed on screen. “I'm thrilled to have made my acting debut, and it still seems unreal that people can see me acting on streaming platforms that I often watch. When the role was confirmed, and on my first day of filming, my biggest concern was not being clumsy while acting.

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The BL drama genre, which focuses on romantic relationships between boys, is growing in popularity, especially in conservative societies like Thailand, Japan and South Korea, which remain sensitive to the issue of queer representation. The positive and empowering themes in their depiction of male love highlight their characters living in a world free from the many challenges the LGBTQIA community faces. Hangyeom says that’s why he was attracted to the storyline.

Directed by Song Su Lim Jazz For Two, it is the coming-of-age story of four students at Wooyeon Arts School, as they learn valuable lessons about friendship, love, life and all the rest. Hangyeom plays Suh Do Yoon, a drummer who is in love with a fellow student, but unable to express himself.

When my desire to act grew, I came across this script. Being part of the project fueled my passion even more. I read the original webtoon to get insight into my character. Director Song Su-lim was also encouraging and her constant guidance while reading the script helped me easily understand and relate to my character. She was constantly checking on us, and that helped us perform evocatively on screen. »

Hangyeom, referring to the popular Myers Briggs Type Indicator personality test, describes Suh Doo Yoon as ENFB, an extroverted, intuitive and sensitive person.

Do-yoons' vibe around his friends was very similar to mine, and I thought there were similarities in the way he kindly approached Yoon Se-heon (Kim Jin Kwon), showing his perceptive nature . My groupmates thought I was a natural on screen, seeing how similar they felt the character and I were. However, where my on-screen character and I differ is that Do-yoon is good at playing the drums, but Hangyeom doesn't know how to play the drums, he says with a laugh. He further adds that his MBTI is currently INTJ (introverted, intuitive, thinking and judging).

Hangyeom and his group Omega X also composed the soundtrack for Jazz For Two, which marks their second collaboration with director Song Su Lim, following A Shoulder To Cry On. So, which is comparatively easier to make music or perform?

Hangyeom and his group Omega X also composed the soundtrack for Jazz For Two.  (Photo credit: IPQ)
Hangyeom and his group Omega X also composed the soundtrack for Jazz For Two. (Photo credit: IPQ)

I can't say for sure that either is easy. I am comfortable capturing the theme or subject of a song when composing and writing the lyrics for the soundtrack, taking into account the storyline of the drama or film. However, ironically, having a defined framework also posed some challenges because it limited me to thinking within certain boundaries. Music is easy for me, since I've been doing it for a long time. All work is equally interesting and challenging and I approach both activities with the same enthusiasm. Hangyeom said.

Although he says music is his life and acting is his passion, Hangyeom hopes to collaborate with his on-screen favorite, Kim Soo Hyun, who was recently seen in the hit series Queen of Tears.

I can't wait to try not only dramas but also movies. I would love to try acting in romantic comedies or fantasy genres. I'm especially a fan of actors Kim Soo-hyun and Cho Jung-seok, so I'd love to have the chance to film with them, he replies with a smile.

With the mainstreaming of Korean content (K-pop, K-dramas) and their global popularity in terms of viewership and viewership, Hangyeom says that while surprised at first, he thinks it also reflects the hard work being done by Korean industry.

It’s still a bit surprising for me too! I think many people enjoy Korean content because it reflects the passion of Koreans. I also saw how hard everyone works, both on set and throughout the preparation process. It's not just the artists, but also the many staff members involved, who strive for better results and content that as many people as possible can enjoy. So, I ask everyone to continue to show lots of love in the future.

Given his busy schedule, what does he like to do in his free time? I tend to work on musical projects that resemble my life as described above, or study English. These days, I also make a lot of effort to exercise, he responds warmly.




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