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Wednesday Season 2 Cast: Netflix Drops Series Lead Actor Jenna Ortega

Wednesday Season 2 Cast: Netflix Drops Series Lead Actor Jenna Ortega
Wednesday Season 2 Cast: Netflix Drops Series Lead Actor Jenna Ortega


A star of Netflix success Wednesday was removed from the series.

The cast list for the upcoming second season, which has begun filming, was announced on Tuesday (May 7), with Jenna Ortega set to return in the title role following her shock departure from another Netflix project.

Fans will notice that Percy Hynes White, who played psychic student Xavier Thorpe in the first season, is missing from the roster, a development that follows allegations of sexual misconduct the actor faced, and denied last year.

Jamie McShane and Naomi J Ogawa will also not return as Donovan Galpin and Yoko Tanaka but, unlike their characters, Hynes White was well established as a major player by the start of season two.

In January 2023, a series of now-deleted tweets accused Hynes White of alleged sexual activity with multiple women. In response to the first tweets, some Wednesday fans campaigned for his removal from the series.

Without mentioning the specific details of the allegations against him, Hynes White, 22, said the tweets were false and part of a misinformation campaign.

Joining Ortega in the second season of Wednesday will be Catherine Zeta-Jones and Luis Guzman, who play Morticia and Gomez Addams. New cast members include Scoop actor Billie Piper, Evie Templeton, Owen Painter and Noah Taylor.

Pugsley star Isaac Ordonez and Luyanda Unati Lewis-Nyawo will also return, as will Emma Myers, Joy Sunday, Hunter Doohan, Victor Dorobantu and Fred Armisen, who plays Uncle Fester. Steve Buscemi and Thandiwe Newton will join the cast.

The full list of guest stars includes Back to the Future Christopher Lloyd, former child star Haley Joel Osment alongside Joanna Lumley, Frances OConnor, Heather Matarazzo and Star Wars actor Joonas Suotamo.

It is unclear if Hynes White's role will be recast or if another star will play the role.

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Percy Hynes White was excluded from Wednesday (Netflix)

Responding to the accusations against him, the actor wrote in an Instagram post shared in June 2023: Earlier this year, someone I've never met started a misinformation campaign about me online. Because of this, my family was subjected to violence and my friends received death threats.

Underage photos of me were used and examples of me acting in character were portrayed as hateful. My friend Jane was falsely portrayed as a victim and her attempts to set the record straight were ignored. She gave me permission to include it in this post.

He continues: The rumors are false. I cannot accept being presented as someone who is fanatical or criminally neglectful of people's safety. These are the kind of baseless and damaging allegations that can create distrust in victims.

It's very painful to know that this misinformation has upset people. I am truly grateful to everyone who supported me and helped me share the facts. The harassment of my family, friends and colleagues needs to stop, please. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

The independent has contacted Hynes White and Netflix for comment.

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