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Selena Gomez Takes The Heat In New Cooking Show


I really thought it would be something light because I was definitely going downhill, she said on a video conference Wednesday. Of course, more important things were happening, but it was an opportunity to create something that could make people smile.

Chefs Nyesha Arrington, Roy Choi, Tonya Holland, Daniel Holzman, Jon & Vinny, Candice Kumai, Ludo Lefebvre, Antonia Lofaso, Nancy Silverton and Angelo Sosa guide Gomez from a distance. They train him to cook such dishes as Korean tacos for breakfast, matcha chocolate chip cookies, spicy miso ramen, seafood tostada and cheese soufflé.

There was no one off-camera who perfectly prepared the ingredients, and Gomez didn’t glam her clothes or makeup while chopping and stirring. Remote cameras installed in his kitchen captured Gomez’s misadventures, including flames in the oven and fruit juices. She wields sharp knives while wrestling with a slimy octopus and tears off organs from a raw chicken.

Hope you will laugh because I look like a jerk, she said. I love to cook, don’t know how to do it all the time.

Her favorite recipe? I’m doing a killer PB&J, she laughs.

Gomez learned to use a wet towel to adjust the shape and plate position of a classic French omelet.

I never cared more about the presentation than I do today, she says.

Home cooking has skyrocketed during the global pandemic, with people using it to relieve boredom and anxiety.

It is not easy for anyone to walk through what was walking. It affects people, especially mental health, Gomez said. It’s just confusing. It was difficult but I tried to find what I needed to get by. I have very good friends, I see a therapist. Just try to keep my mind positive. I learned more about my country than ever at school or whatever.

Each episode highlights a food-related charity and invites viewers to follow home with lists of ingredients and tools needed.

You don’t have to be a great cook to enjoy this show, said co-executive producer Aaron Saidman.

Since filming ended, Gomez said she remade the chocolate chip cookies and the French omelet.

I didn’t burn down my house, she said.

Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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