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LS 2024 polls | Bollywood Queen and BJP Candidate Kangana Ranaut Has Assets of Rs 90 Crore, 3 Luxury Cars | Check here | Policy

LS 2024 polls |  Bollywood Queen and BJP Candidate Kangana Ranaut Has Assets of Rs 90 Crore, 3 Luxury Cars |  Check here |  Policy
LS 2024 polls |  Bollywood Queen and BJP Candidate Kangana Ranaut Has Assets of Rs 90 Crore, 3 Luxury Cars |  Check here |  Policy


Lok Sabha Polls 2024 | After submitting her nomination as the BJP candidate for the Mandi Lok Sabha seat, accompanied by her mother and sister, Bollywood queen Kangana Ranaut declared her election affidavit.

Marking herself in politics just like she did in cinema, Kangana Ranaut said he has assets of over Rs 90 crore, including Rs 28.7 crore in movable assets and Rs 62.9 crore in immovable properties .

The Bollywood actor-turned-politician who aims to make it big in politics holds Rs 2 lakh in cash and around Rs 1.35 crore in bank savings.

Ranaut also has properties in Bandra (Mumbai), Zirakpur (Chandigarh) and Manali (Kullu). His apartment in Bandra is valued at Rs 23.98 crore, while that in Manali costs 4.97 crore, along with ownership of three luxury vehicles, a BMW, a Mercedes Benz and a Mercedes Maybach, worth a combined of Rs 3.91 crore.

Tanu Weds Manu Fame also has 6.7 kg of gold worth around Rs 5 crore, along with 60 kg of silver worth Rs 50 lakh and diamond jewelry valued at Rs 3 crore.

Additionally, it has 50 Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) insurance policies and its total liabilities stand at Rs 7.3 crore.

According to the affidavit she submitted at the polling station, Kangana graduated from a private school in Chandigarh with a class 12 diploma.

The decision to bring Kangana from Mandi, which is traditionally a bastion of the ruling Congress in the state, adds a layer of intrigue to the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

In her maiden bid for the Lower House, she faces a formidable challenge in the form of Congress heavyweight and son of late former chief minister Virbhadra Singh, Vikramaditya Singh.

The poll in Himachal, scheduled for June 1, will not only pit candidates vying for Lok Sabha membership from four seats, but will also elect members for six Assembly seats falling vacant following resignation and of the change of dissident legislators in Congress.

The BJP, which won all four Lok Sabha constituencies in the state in the 2019 elections, is considering a recall this time.

The Mandi constituency holds symbolic importance for the Congress as it is considered a stronghold of the Virbhadra family.

On the work front, Kangana Ranaut's upcoming film Emergency is her first solo directorial effort. Earlier this year, she revealed that the film's release date was June 14. The film also stars Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman, Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair and late Satish Kaushik. The film chronicles the life of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, with Kangana playing the role of the late leader.

– With the contribution of agencies




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