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Evil launches Richard Kind and John Carroll Lynch for Lelands trial | Entertainment

Evil launches Richard Kind and John Carroll Lynch for Lelands trial |  Entertainment
Evil launches Richard Kind and John Carroll Lynch for Lelands trial |  Entertainment


Oh, it’s such a delicious cast! But what else would we expect from cooling Wrong?

Richard Kind and John Carroll Lynch will guest star, and Danny Burstein will return, throughout the four bonus episodes of the series, as well as Leland Townsend (Michael Emerson) is on trial, TV Insider has learnedborn exclusively. These are the episodes Paramount+ ordered to conclude the series once it was determined that the upcoming fourth season (premiering Thursday, May 23) would be its last.

Kind will be the guest of Judge Joseph Jeter. He's a seemingly by-the-book judge who oversees Leland Townsend's trial and values ​​efficiency at all costs. Lynch plays Henry Stick, the lawyer assigned to Leland Townsend. He appears to be a clumsy and barely competent lawyer, but fortunately for Leland, Henry Stick turns out to have greater power than initially thought. Burstein reprises his role as DA Lewis Cormier. He has already appeared in four episodes of season 1.

In season 4Kristen (Katja Herbers), David (Mike Colter), and then (Asif Mandvi) continue to evaluate cases involving wayward technology, possessed pigs, demonic oppression and infestation, a dancing muse conjured by alleged witches, and an evil relic. Throughout, Leland attempts to trick Kristen into raising an antichrist baby conceived with her egg. David is recruited by the Vatican Secret Service to remotely view a paranormal ability to see the invisible in order to detect evil. Ben is hit by an ion beam, causing him to see visions of a mocking djinn until he discovers an unusual solution to banish it. Eventually, all three realize that they only have a few weeks left to evaluate the cases because the parish has decided to disband the team due to lack of funds. This culminates with a final confrontation with Leland and the 60 families that make up Evil in the modern world.

When the four bonus episodes were announced, the co-creators, showrunners and executive producers Robert And Michelle King said in a statement: “We want to thank Paramount+ for giving us four bonus episodes to end EVIL. around the world in style.

What do you hope to see in the final season and with Lelands' trial? Let us know in the comments section below.

WrongFourth and final season premiere, Thursday, May 23, Paramount+

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