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West Hollywood to consider outdoor skating rink for December 2024

West Hollywood to consider outdoor skating rink for December 2024
West Hollywood to consider outdoor skating rink for December 2024


At a regular meeting of the City of West Hollywood City Council on Monday, May 20, 2020, the City Council is expected to explore the possibility of developing an outdoor ice skating rink at West Hollywood Park in December 2024. During the meeting, council will discuss asking municipal staff to conduct a feasibility assessment of the proposed project.

The feasibility study will examine projected costs, schedule and logistical considerations, and will include the issuance of a request for qualifications (RFQ) to gather information from qualified suppliers on the suitability of location and other essential factors. City staff will return to council with an update within 60 days.

The initiative, if approved, aims to provide a unique recreational opportunity for residents and visitors during the holiday season, potentially increasing foot traffic and tourism. The temporary rink could also support local businesses and serve as a focal point for fundraising events hosted by local nonprofits.

An entity experienced in operating temporary rinks has already expressed interest in the project, but the city plans to solicit proposals from other operators to ensure a full evaluation. The RFQ will help city staff assess the viability of launching the rink, taking into account various factors such as location, costs and logistics.

According to Staff report, other Los Angeles area cities, including Pershing Square and Santa Monica in Downtown Los Angeles, have successfully hosted temporary ice rinks during the holiday season, offering additional activities such as DJ nights and skating lessons. West Hollywood wants to draw inspiration from these established models to develop its own attraction.

Other staff analyzes indicate the project will require significant staff time and coordination among several city departments, including recreation departments, the city manager's department, public works and community development. The Recreation Services Division will lead the feasibility study, in close collaboration with internal and external stakeholders.

If the project is approved, city staff will proceed to create a detailed scope of work, manage the process of soliciting and selecting a qualified consultant, and oversee the progress of the project. The goal is to determine the feasibility and potential benefits of an outdoor ice rink, thereby enhancing West Hollywood's vacation offerings for residents and visitors.




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