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Sainty and Eric Nelsen are now 'fully immersed' in the Fort Worth home

Sainty and Eric Nelsen are now 'fully immersed' in the Fort Worth home


Sainty and Eric Nelsen have achieved success in Hollywood and on Broadway. But now they're back in Sainty's hometown of Fort Worth.

FORT WORTH, Texas When Sainty Nelsen left Fort Worth, she didn't expect to return. The Arlington Heights High School graduate had high hopes for a career on Broadway or a future in Hollywood. But sometimes life has a funny way of making those dreams come true.

I just thought I'd be this Broadway girl, Nelsen says.

Originally Sainty Reid, she studied musical theater at Baldwin-Wallace College in Ohio before moving to New York. It was there that she met and married fellow actor Eric Nelsen, a Florida native pursuing his own entertainment dreams.

Eventually, their careers took them west to Los Angeles, and accolades quickly followed. Two Tony Awards. Seven Emmys, including Eric becoming the youngest producer to win the coveted award.

But despite their success on Broadway and Hollywood, Eric had always enjoyed visits to Sainty's hometown and thought the two might one day consider moving to Texas. So when they found out they were going to become parents, the decision was made.

I knew that one day I wanted to live here, says Eric. I just didn't know when it would be possible. So we had our daughter and I finally said, okay, maybe this is the time. Let's get her out of Los Angeles, let's go see her family. Let's leave her with a normal, amazing education, with good foundations. So we took the step!

The timing couldn't have been better. Shortly after moving, Eric received a call to audition for 1883, the new western from Yellowstone creator and fellow Fort Worth native Taylor Sheridan.

Taylor Sheridan called me to tell me I got the part and he said it was going to be filmed in Fort Worth, Texas, Eric said. I was like, wait a minute, we live in Fort Worth, Texas!

1883 took over Cowtown, filming in the Stockyards, amid a boom in film and television production in Fort Worth. It served as a Texas-sized welcome home for the Nelsens, who have never looked back since.

We’ve really embraced the whole cowboy/cowgirl culture now,” Sainty says. We are completely immersed in this world.

Completely immersed, indeed. They both play an active role in the community, supporting local philanthropic events and charities. Eric's work in 1883 helped develop an award-winning passion for horse cutting. Saintys has been recognized by the Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame. Eric is partnered with Bucking Bull Bourbon, and the couple even recently launched a new podcast highlighting their unique personalities, Glamor and Grit.

And all this is happening while they pursue their professional producing and acting careers. Eric often travels for film and television projects across the country. Sainty is able to perform voiceovers in their in-house studio for shows like the Netflix hit Gabby's Dollhouse, The Trolls, Minions, and more.

The two enjoyed their move to Fort Worth so much that they are actively recruiting their friends in the entertainment industry to join them.

They meet the people, they just see how it's like this camaraderie that you don't find elsewhere, Eric says. As soon as they get here, they don't want to leave.

It looks like Eric and Sainty Nelsen are living their Hollywood dreams, but with a Texas twist. And they wouldn't have it any other way.

For me, honestly, it's just staying busy here with the people I love, says Eric. If I could ride this wave forever, I would be the happiest person.

I have never been so content and happy in my entire life, Sainty said. This community has been so good to us and we want to do everything we can for it too because it has changed our lives.




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