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Luke Cage Actor Comments on MCU Return Rumors

Luke Cage Actor Comments on MCU Return Rumors



  • Mike Colter is set to return to the MCU as Luke Cage if schedule permits for another season of Evil.
  • Colter would like to have a good script and idea, but doesn't actively think about it.
  • Luke Cage's potential return to the MCU could tie into the Mayor Fisk storyline, creating a new role for Colter as a character in future projects.

Luc Cage Star Mike Colter has revealed what it will take for him to return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Colter starred in two seasons of Netflix Luc Cage as protector of Harlem. The series, like every other Netflix Marvel show, ended up being canceled by the streamer. Six years after the release of Luc Cage season 2, Marvel Studios made The Defenders Saga canon in the MCU, and Colter wondered if he would return as Luke Cage in future MCU projects.

Talk to, Colter said he would return to the MCU as Luke Cage if the schedule allowed him to do another season of his series. Wrong in the future. THE Luc Cage The star said he doesn't think about what could have been, although Colter would be open to returning to the MCU if a good idea came to him. Since there are unresolved questions for a Luc Cage season 3, and Netflix Marvel actors have returned to the MCU in recent years, this possibility seems good. Check out the full quote below:

“Only if it doesn't affect my schedule to the point where I can't do another season of
I mean, I would totally appreciate a good script and a good idea that made sense.

I don't stay up at night thinking about it and I don't remember it unless someone brings it up. But I enjoyed my time. I don't look into the past. If something happens, great, we'll talk about it. But right now I'm [past it]”.


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How Luke Cage could return to the MCU

Luke Cage Season 2 Set Up the Perfect Story

In recent years, several Netflix Marvel actors have returned as characters in the MCU. Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio made a splash in 2021, returning as Daredevil and Kingpin in different projects. The duo will next be seen in Marvel Studios' first solo project for Matt Murdock, Daredevil: Born Againwhich will be released in March 2025. The series will bring back many other Netflix characters, including Jon Bernthal's Punisher, and Luke Cage could potentially return for a cameo that defines a larger MCU role for Colter.


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If Colter ends up returning to the MCU as Luke Cage, then there's already the perfect story to continue his character's journey. Luc Cage The end of season 2 saw Luke take over Harlem's Paradise, essentially becoming its new crime boss in an attempt to control the criminal activity that was plaguing Harlem. This left the question of whether Luke had become a villain hanging, and the MCU could finally answer it.

Luc Cage the end of season 2 could tie into Kingpin's ongoing storyline in the MCU. At the end of Disney+ Echo, Wilson Fisk had the idea of ​​running for mayor of New York. This will play out in Daredevil: Born Againwith Kingpin who would be the main villain of Tom Holland's film Spider-Man 4. As Harlem's crime boss, Luke Cage would be a character who would have to deal directly with Kingpin in his new role, and this could be the perfect way for Mike Colter to return as a character in the MCU after Netflix's end. Luc Cage.

Luke Cage Poster

Luc Cage

Luke Cage is part of the Netflix Marvel television series and follows the main character in Harlem who fights crime to protect his neighborhood. After an experiment goes wrong, Luke Cage is imbued with superhuman strength and skin as hard as diamonds. Wrongly accused and on the run, Luke discovers an underground syndicate that seeks to exploit the residents of Harlem. To protect them, Luke will come out of hiding to stop them, hoping to clear his name in the process.

Frank Whaley, Theo Rossi, Mahershala Ali, Justin Swain, Simone Missick, Frankie Faison, Jaiden Kaine, Alfre Woodard, Darius Kaleb, Mike Colter, Kellen C Wingate, Erik Laray Harvey

Release date
September 30, 2016


Cheo Hodari Coker





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