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Heart, Cheap Trick brings old-school delights to Little Caesars Arena – The Oakland Press

Heart, Cheap Trick brings old-school delights to Little Caesars Arena – The Oakland Press


A fan sitting near the stage at Heart's concert Tuesday night, May 21, at Little Caesars Arena in Detroit held a sign asking for permission to rock.

This was “tuned” repeatedly by sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson, who formed the band more than 50 years ago in Seattle – and by their 105-minute set of well-established classic rock songs.

It was an appropriate feeling, as if the sparse audience, dominated by baby boomers, many of whom sported vintage concert T-shirts, was validating some sort of act in the past. Heart and Cheap Trick, setlists full of mostly '70s hits, a stripped-down staging that avoids the ramps, pyrotechnics, aerial stunts and confetti cannons so common in arenas these days – this show would have just as much could well have taken place at Cobo Arena 45 years ago. And rest assured, that's exactly what those who came on Tuesday wanted.

For Heart, it was a welcome return in many ways. The band's first appearance in the metro area in five years was also the first in Detroit proper since 1993, when the Wilsons played just down the street at the (then) State Theater. He also found that Heart was hitting harder than it had in more than a decade, as the Wilsons overcame interpersonal issues – stemming from a 2016 tour bus assault on Nancy's songs by the Ann's husband – and clearly more at ease in each other's company, certainly than they were. returning in 2019 to DTE Energy Music Theater.

There was also an easy relationship. While introducing “Dog & Butterfly,” Nancy talked about Heart's early days in clubs and being approached by “a guy who said to us, 'Hey kids, you guys are good.' You should make an album. Here's some money. “Is that how you remember it?!” Ann snapped in response, and the two laughed together.

Heart has also benefited from the presence of a new, younger group, primarily Tripsitter, who have been working with Ann in recent years. The energy of the quintet, and particularly the triple guitar attack of Ryan Waters, Paul Moak and Ryan Wariner in addition to Nancy, gave a boost to the repertoire, which also included renditions of “Going to California” and “The Ocean” by Led Zeppelin. as part of David Bowie's “Let's Dance” at the end of Heart's “Straight On”.




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